
micrococcus n.(pl. -cocci ) 小球菌,球狀細菌。


The time defiance intensive repair serum from artistry contains 33 different kinds of highly concentrated essences and an advanced dna complex containing 10 precious plant extracts such as licorice root extract , alpinia speciosa extract , sunflower seed extract , echinacea extract , centella asiatica extract , hexose , hydrolyzed oats , rosemary leaf extract , vitamin c derivatives and t4 endonuclease ( extracted from the bacteria micrococcus leutus ) 雅姿特效滋養活顏14 ,每瓶含有33種珍貴護膚成分之高度濃縮精華配方,其中以尖端科技提煉的dna復合精華,包含10種珍貴天然植物精華,包括?甘草根、月桃葉、向日葵籽、紫錐花、積雪草、己糖、燕麥和迷迭香、維他命c提煉物與t4酵素,有效提供5大護膚功效。

Time defiance intensive repair serum uses advanced biotechnology to simulate the t4 endonuclease ( extracted from the bacteria micrococcus leutus ) produced by natural marine algae that helps to repair and restore damaged dna cells in the skin and eradicate the root of ageing problems 雅姿特效滋養活顏14以先進生化科技仿真天然海藻中具修補功能的t4酵素,重建受損dna ,從根本杜絕肌膚老化問題。

Microbiological analysis of meat and meat products - identification of staphylococcus carnosus , staphylococcus xylosus and micrococcus varians 肉和肉制品微生物檢驗.肉樣葡萄球菌,木酮糖葡萄球菌

He found that irradiation of micrococcus and of murine lymphoma cells under anoxia gave fewer singlestrand breaks . 他發現,在缺氧時照射小球菌和小鼠琳巴瘤細胞產生的單鏈斷裂較少。