
microclimate n.小氣候。microclimate-matic adj...


And , the coefficient of heat conduction , temperature rise and fall in shelter chamber experiment are made , the result shows the stable plate heat conduction method is applicable , the integration of experience formula for calculation of heat and cool load and experiment analysis is suitable for design and validation of temperature in shelter chamber , the integration can nicely reflect the condition of microclimate temperature in shelter chamber , and have importance reference value for research of microclimate condition in shelter chamber . at last , in article the comparison is made between the felt techniques and foam techniques of the laminate plates , and improved manufacture techniques of composite laminate is brought forward . the experiment indicates the improved techniques can ensure the structure strength and heat preservation and insulation performance 基于軍用醫療方艙特殊的微環境使用要求,運用穩定平壁傳熱分析方法建立了軍用醫療方艙鋁塑復合夾層大板傳熱系數理論計算模型,對軍用醫療方艙鋁-聚氨酯-鋁復合夾層大板材料隔熱保溫性能進行了理論分析;運用經驗分析方法進行了冷熱負荷計算分析;并對兩計算采用傳熱系數和艙室升溫、降溫試驗進行了對比試驗研究,結果表明穩定平壁傳熱分析方法計算傳熱系數方法可行,為方艙鋁塑夾層大板的隔熱保溫結構和性能設計提供重要依據,并準確表征艙室內部微環境溫度條件,對軍用醫療方艙艙室微環境設計提供參考。

- the microclimate in greenhouse is characterized by complicated , nonlinear and uncertain environment , and is extremely difficult to set up the precise mathematics model for it , so this paper atilizes inielligent control theory , especially the artificial neural network and genetic algorithm to build the empirical model for the microclimate in greenhouse 由于溫室小氣候的影響因子復雜、具有非線性和不確定性的特點,難以建立精確的數學模型,因此本文采用智能控制理論,特別是人工神經網絡和遺傳算法來建立溫室小氣候的經驗模型。

This paper set up summer microclimate model in greenhouse in shanghai for simulation and prediction with this theory , then research the variation law of microclimate in the greenhouse imported from abroad in the term of summer climate in china and analyze the sole effect of every parameter on microclimate in greenhouse , so as to provide the theoretical foundation for the learning and management of advanced greenhouse from foreign countries 本文以此為工具建立了以上海地區現代化溫室為代表的夏季溫室小氣候的模擬和預測模型,探討國內夏季氣候條件下國外引進溫室內的小氣候變化規律以及各個因子的單獨作用分析,為國外先進溫室的真正消化吸收提供理論基礎。

The following contents were mainly studied : ( 1 ) aspect , structure as well as characteristic of species composition between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and continuous evergreen broadleaved forest ; ( 2 ) species diversity , species abundance and species evenness between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and contin . . us evergreen broadleaved forest ; ( 3 ) plant floristic compositions at family and genus levels between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and continuous evergreen broadleaved forest ; ( 4 ) life form between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and continuous evergreen broadleaved forest ; ( 5 ) microclimate factor ( sun radiation , temperature , wind velocity , humidity ) in different level pattern ( open , edge and interior ) between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and continuous evergreen broadleaved forest ; ( 6 ) the relations between environment and soil factors as well as species diversity of forest community between fragmental evergreen broadleaved forests and continuous evergreen broadleaved forest 主要研究以下內容: ( 1 )片斷和連續常綠闊葉林的外貌、結構和物種組成特征; ( 2 )片斷和連續常綠闊葉林的物種多樣性、豐富度和均勻性; ( 3 )片斷和連續常綠闊葉林的科( ? )屬水平的植物區系成分; ( 4 )片斷和連續常綠闊葉林生活型組成; ( 5 )在不同的水平梯度格局上(林外、林緣和林內) ,片斷和連續常綠闊葉林的小氣候要素(光照、溫度、風速、濕度等) ; ( 6 )片斷和連續常綠闊葉林的環境和土壤因子,與群落的物種多樣性之間的關系。實驗結果表明: ( 1 )各片斷森林的外貌特點基本上和連續森林一致。

The thermal - wet comfort proprties of textiles under the conditions that the environment temperature is higher than that of human body ( called “ reverse temperature field ” ) are examined in this paper . four quanties ( i . e . equivalent thermal resistance , thermal resistance , resistance to water vapour transmission and air permeability ) were suggested as the physical indexes of thermal - wet comfort properties of textiles under this condition . their special meanings under this condition were explained also . the colthing microclimate testing meter was used to determine the indexes of seven different kinds of textiles . the statistical analysis was applied to analyse the relationship between these indexes and the results from wearing - clothing test . some elementary results were obtained 研究了在環境溫度高于人體體表溫度(稱逆溫差)條件下,服裝用織物的熱濕舒適性能,提出使用當量熱阻、熱阻、濕阻及透氣率作為在此條件下織物的熱濕舒適性物理指標,指出了在此條件下其特殊含義.并且用織物微氣候儀測試了此條件下7種織物的熱濕舒適性指標,與對比穿著試驗的結果進行了分析,得出了一些初步規律

The characteristics of the microclimate of mountain in western part of zhejiang province of china were analyzed by using the spatial series , that is from wuling square in hangzhou , donghu campus in zhejiang forest college to evergreen broadleaved forest in tianmu mountain , and from phyllostachys edulis community , phoebe sheareri community to crptomeria fortunei community respectively 摘要采取兩個空間序列,即杭州武林廣場東湖校區天目山常綠闊葉林和天目山毛竹林紫楠林柳杉林,研究海拔和森林植被類型驅動下山地小氣候的日進程。

Seven plots selected from wanglang reserve were distributed in different types of forest and at different altitude , and different plot has different microclimate . soil property , microbial population , soil nutrient content of forest soil were determined in wanglang natural reserve , from may to october 2002 to july 2003 , the ecological distribution of three main groups , bacteria , actinomycete and fungi were determined in the forest soils by the cell enumeration methods . six kinds of physiological groups , including ammoniation bacteria , nitrification bacteria , nitrosification bacteria , aerobic autogenesis azotobacter , aerobic cellulose - decomposing bacteria and anaerobic cellulose - decomposing bacteria were enumerated by the most - probable number ( mpn ) 2001年10月在王朗自然保護區內設立了3個定位研究樣地和4個臨時樣地,通過多次現場采樣與室內實驗分析,測定了白樺林、岷江冷杉林、紫果云杉林、繡線菊-羊茅群落、羊茅群落及高山柳灌木叢等6種不同植物群落內土壤微生物三大類群數量、功能微生物數量、土壤養分,并在固定樣地內使用埋袋法進行了三個埋藏深度的凋落物分解袋試驗,初步研究了枝條、闊葉、針葉等凋落物組分在不同分解階段所含養分的動態變化。

Therefore , a greenhouse microclimate model in summer was built for simulation and prediction , and then the variation discipline of microclimate in greenhouse was researched to provide the theoretical reference on the optimization design of greenhouse imported in structure ; the effect result of every parameter on microclimate in greenhouse was analyzed to determine the best control device and make for the descending of energy - consuming in greenhouse , the microclimate state of greenhouse in the typifal climate days was prediction ed to avoid the occurrence of corps ca1amity 為此,建立夏季溫室小氣候的模擬和預測模型,以探討夏季溫室內小氣候的變化規律,為引進溫室的結構優化設計提供理論參考;分析各個因子對溫室小氣候的影響情況,從而確定最佳的溫室控制設備,有利于溫室能耗的降低;對典型天氣下室內小氣候的狀態進行預測,從而防止和減少作物災害的發生。

By analyzing and predicting the microclimate in greenhouse in typical weathers , the conclusions are that high temperature with low humidity weather and high temperature with high humidity appear one after the other . the measures are proposed as the followings : to the former , it should be taken to decrease the temperature with soppy shade - fan or spray inside or outside ; to the latter , it should be taken to enlarge the ventilation area , to fit spray apparatus at the top of roof outside , to adopt havelock outside instead inside , to coat the roof white , etc 通過對典型天氣下溫室小氣候變化規律分析和預測,其結論是:從7月中旬到8月中下旬,室內相繼出現高溫低溫和高溫高濕天氣,建議分別采取的適宜措施是:濕簾-風機降溫、高壓噴霧降溫、屋頂噴淋降溫和增大屋頂通風窗的通風面積、安裝屋頂噴淋(霧)設備、改溫室內遮陽為外遮陽、涂白溫室屋頂等。

It was natural site , architectural tradition of hakka culture and microclimate which determined the planning idea of hengkeng , and made hengkeng so different from normal traditional villages in pearl river delta , canton based on the fieldwork , through the analysis of the ancestral halls as the key social space in the village , authors discuss the transformation process of the layout of the village from centralized pattern to comb - shaped pattern , and also make some comparisons between 4 ancestral halls in the village 通過詳細的實地考察和對家譜、村史的閱讀,以及對作為村落關鍵性社會空間的祠堂的分析,闡述了在嘉靖十九年開放庶民建家廟之后,橫坑舊村從中心式布局轉向變形的梳式布局的過程,并對村落中四座主要的祠堂建筑進行了比較研究。

Every parameter of microclimate in greenhouse was analyzed respectively by using the model , the results are that the temperature and humidity outside are the most important factors respectively , and solar radiation and lai strongly influence the temperature and humidity inside 利用該模型對影響溫室小氣候的各個因子進行單獨分析,其結果是:室外溫度和濕度分別是影響室內溫度和濕度的最主要因子,太陽輻射和葉面積指數對室內溫濕度都具有很大的影響。

The change of net radiation , earth temperature and relative humidity in the vegetable layer of cotton field was investigated on the basis of the data collected from microclimate in vegetable layer of cotton field with drip irrigation of the mulching film under increasing temperature effect in desert 摘要根據沙漠增溫效應下膜下滴灌棉田植被層內小氣候觀測資料,分析研究了棉田植被層內的凈輻射、地溫和相對濕度的變化。

Microclimate characters and its difference inside and outside evergreen broadleaf forest of wuchaoshan mountain were described through analysis on meteorological observation documents from 1988 to 1990 應用杭州午潮山1988 1990年的氣象觀測資料,闡述杭州午潮山常綠闊葉林林內、林外的小氣候特征以及小氣候差異。

During the course of model - building , in view of the influence of the corps in greenhouse on microclimate , the input parameters included the leaf area index ( lai ) of crops 本文在建模過程中,考慮到了室內作物對溫室小氣候的影響,將作物的葉面積指數作為模型的輸入變量。

To rationally evaluate the effect of various forests on microclimate , we must consider the differences caused by factors as mentioned above 要正確評價不同森林類型改善小氣候功能的強弱,必須準確區分開海拔高度、小地形、植被類型等各因素造成的差異,才能得出比較可靠的結論。

Taihang mountain has the most suitable region for production of green food table - grape because of its complicated land shape and dirersified microclimate 摘要太行山區地形復雜,小氣候多樣,存在著生產綠色食品鮮食葡萄的最適宜區。

Finally , the whole microclimate model in greenhouse was set up with the powerful local - optimization of ibp algorithm 最后,結合ibp算法強大的局部尋優能力完成整個溫室小氣候模型的建立。

This close grouping of hills creates a microclimate , which supports a variety of flora and fauna found here 群山密集形成了一種小氣候,孕育了各種動植物。北非禿鷲在這里繁衍。

Micro means small , and microclimate refers to the climate conditions over a small area “ micro ”這個詞的意思是“小” , microclimate是指小區域里的氣候條件。