
microchip n.〔美口〕微型集成電路片;微晶片。 -ping 【計算...


Boss : kevin , take a seat . . . . i want you to represent our microchip company in seattle next week 老板:凱文,請坐… … 。我希望你下星期代表我們的微芯片公司到西雅圖。

This was an early start to using the theories and methods of mechanics to research microchip structure 這是較早開始用力學的原理和方法來研究芯片的結構的研究工作。

From the days of the clipper ship to those of the microchip , we have had extensive trade with east asia 目前該會的會員國幾乎有70 %的貿易都是與其他會員國進行的。

Carmakers and microchip companies that have set up elsewhere in kyushu cannot be persuaded to come 位于九州其他地區的汽車制造商和微芯片公司也不可能遷至該處。

In industry , the microchips i made and the microchips you attach someplace were completely different 在工業界,你做芯片和你把芯片粘到什么地方是完全不一樣的。

Implementation of communication between pc and multi - microchips in miniature master slave measure and control system 小型集散測控系統中多機通信的實現

The structure of microchips is very complicated , inside there are membranes , and also very fine wires 芯片的結構很復雜,里面有薄膜、還有很細的導線。

The work described in this paper is to use mems technology to produce pcr microchip on silicon 本文的工作是利用mems技術在單晶硅上制作集成pcr芯片。

The risc mcu core is compatible with pic16c63a of microchip at instruction set level 設計的riscmcu與microchip公司的pic16c63a在指令系統上完全兼容。

In particular , we can now trap , move and manipulate the atoms with the help of microchips 例如,我們可以使用微晶片來捕捉、移動以及操控原子云。

Pdms - glass microchip used for performing dna hybridization reaction . has been fabricated and studied 制作并研究了pdms芯片上的dna分子雜交反應。

Boss : let ' em know they can ' t live without allied micro - systems ' t1 - 30 microchip 老板:讓他們知道他們少不了聯合微系統公司的t1 - 30微芯片。

According moore law , the integration level of the microchips doubling each 18 months 按照摩爾定律,每過18個月,微芯片的集成度翻一番。

The wires in microchips are very fine , some are a thousand times smaller than cells 芯片里邊的導線都很細,有的比細胞還要小一千倍。

In cyberspace , there is nowhere to hide ; even the water coolers have microchips 在網絡世界中沒有藏身之處,就連冷水器也有微芯片。

Lcq5 : variable pay formula of hktb lcq18 : handling stray dogs implanted with microchips 立法會十八題:處理植有微型晶片的流浪犬只

How can a microchip hold and control a cloud of atoms suspended near its surface 微晶片如何將原子云留在其表面附近并且加以控制?

Another idea is to require python owners to have their pets fitted with microchips 另一個想法是讓養蛇人給他們的寵物配上微芯片。

The scanner emits a low - frequency radio signal , activating the microchip 掃描儀會發出一些低周波的無線電信號,來激活微芯片。