
microbus n.〔美國〕微型公共汽車。


The research on the air conditioning matching of haishi sy - 6480 microbus . to the question of hard circumstance and excessive affecting factors when automobile air conditioning ( aac ) is working . based on the characteristic of scroll compressor and studying of the affecting of designed parameter , summing - up experiential arithmetic of aac heat exchanger and deciding the refrigerant charge by experiment 針對汽車空調運行條件惡劣,運行時受影響因素多的特點,對汽車空調中設計參數的選擇對設計結果的影響進行研究,并充分考慮所選壓縮機特點進行合理選擇,總結出可以在一定范圍內使用的經驗算法,并利用試驗的方法確定汽車空調系統的制冷劑充注量。

The variation law of the temperature field and velocity field in the microbus is concluded by many times of numerical simulation . the air - condition system of the microbus sc6350 is optimized , and the optimized project is very usable to changan co . ltd because changan co . ltd can use the project to improve it “ s microbus air - condition system 通過對微型面包車車室內的溫度場、速度場變化規律的研究,對微型面包車sc6350的空調系統進行了優化設計,提出了優化方案。該優化方案有較好的實用價值,它為長安技術中心改進微型面包車的空調系統,提高微型面包車的熱舒適性提供了理論和技術上的依據。

But if you want to make the microbus more comfortable you must make the airflow and the temperature field in the microbus more reasonable . many foreign car factory attach importance to the research in the course of new production design now . but nobody has systcmically researched the problem in china 要提高微型面包車的熱舒適性,就需要對室內氣流進行合理的組織、使室內的溫度場分布合理。國外汽車生產廠商均將該研究作為汽車新產品開發過程中的一項重要工作。而目前在國內尚無人對此課題進行系統的研究。

Consulting the 《 the experiment technique of automobile “ s heating capability 》 and any other experiment technique on carriage , the microbus “ s temperature field experiment technique is systemically established in the condition of no uniform criterion on the microbus “ s temperature field experiment at present 在微型面包車溫度場試驗方法尚無統一標準的情況下,參照《汽車采暖性能試驗方法》和有關國內外汽車溫度場試驗方法,根據微型面包車的自身特點,系統地提出了微型面包車溫度場試驗方法,并在環境艙中進行了微型面包車溫度場試驗。

In this paper , consulting the correlation information and the evaluation criterion about the thermal comfortable sense , the circumstances parameter that satisfy the thermal comfortable sense in the microbus is ascertained . the thermal comfortable sense in the microbus is evaluated using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation technique for the first time . the thermal comfortable sense in the microbus sc6350 is evaluated with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation technique too 對于微型面包車的熱舒適性評價問題,本文結合國內外的相關資料和有關熱舒適性的評價標準,提出了符合重慶市實際情況的微型面包車車室內熱舒適環境參數。對于熱舒適性的評價方法,本文首次采用模糊綜合評價方法評價微型面包車熱舒適性,并對微型面包車sc6350的熱舒適性進行西南交通大學碩士研究生學位論文第頁了綜合評價。

In this paper , the capabilities and limitations of the subspace identification techniques will be studied on response data on a microbus in driving conditions , the industrial applicability of using this kind of data for a modal analysis has been successfully investigated by doing some analysis on data measured in normal conditions 經采用懸臂梁有限元計算和實驗分析對比驗證,上述方法擁有極高的辨識精度。本文論述了用子結構工作模態識別方法成功識別了一微型車的工作模態,并探討了工作模態分析實際應用情況。

The mathematics model , physics model and geometrical model for numerical simulation about microbus temperature field is built based on the microbus “ s thermal translating and substance translating theory . the method for building geometrical model and boundary condition is put forward . the numerical simulation for microbus sc6350 is accomplished with the computational fluid dynamics ( cfd ) software of star ? d 結合微型面包車的傳熱與傳質機理以及sc6350車型,建立了溫度場仿真的數學模型、物理模型和幾何模型。捉出了合理的微型面包車溫度場仿真計算的建模方法和溫度場仿真計算的邊界條件。并采用計算流體力學( cfd )軟件star - cd對微型面包車sc6350進行了多種工況的仿真計算。

It is proved that numerical simulation is a efficiency method for researching the microbus “ s temperature field by compare the numerical simulation result with the experiment result . numerical simulation technique has extensive purpose in the engineering 通過計算和試驗結果的對比分析,說明數值計算方法是研究微型面包車溫度場的一種有效方法,采用數值計算方法可以比較精確的模擬微型面包車溫度場的分布情況。

Microbus is a kind of vehicle like the car . so one of the microbus “ s important performance criterion is the driver and the passenger “ s thermal comfortable sense , because it is in connection with the microbus “ s initiative safety 微型面包車的主要功用是載客,司機和乘客在車室內的熱舒適感覺是微型面包車的一個很重要的性能指標,它關系到微型面包車的主動安全性。

Transportation by car , bus , microbus , guided tours , complete trekking and canoeing services , guided climbs , camping , bicycle excursions , equipment rental ( tents , etc . ) 藉汽車、巴士、小巴士等運輸;旅行團、徒步、泛舟服務,導覽攀登、露營、自行車短途行程、裝備租借(營帳等) 。

Transportation by car , bus , microbus , guided tours , complete trekking and canoeing services , guided climbs , camping , bicycle excursions , equipment rental tents , etc . 藉汽車巴士小巴士等運輸旅行團徒步泛舟服務,導覽攀登露營自行車短途行程裝備租借營帳等。

When we finish , about one hour from now , we ' ll board a microbus in front of this gate and go to the obayashi plant , where most of our production is done 從現在起大約一小時結束,我們就搭大門前的小巴士去大林工廠,我們主要是在那兒生產。

In this paper , the microbus “ s temperature field and velocity field is researched through numerical simulation and experiment for the first time 本文首次采用數值計算和試驗相結合的方法對微型面包車車室內溫度場、速度場進行了研究。

Manufacturing , installing and debugging assembly line of welding jigs of toyota microbus for sichuan traveling passenger car manufacturing co . , ltd 上海紐荷蘭農業機械有限公司曲軸清洗機制造,各種工裝夾具、檢具及長期配套維修服務。

This noon when i had a walk along the river bank before our company yard , i saw a microbus with something like a plum tree in it going into our company yard 今天中午到河邊遛彎的時候,看到一個面包車拉進來一棵干枝梅一樣的裝飾品。

Xiao yun : he is a driver . he drives a microbus . he can carry us around to have a look at the scenery . look , that ' s xiao feng ' s home 小云:他是一名司機。他開一輛面包車。他可以開車帶我們四處看看風景。看,那就是小峰家。

A microbus is regarded as a bus 小巴士及大型車視為巴士計算。

Good morning , may i have a microbus 早上好,我要一輛面包車,可以嗎?

B : good morning , may i have a microbus 早上好,我要一輛面包車,可以嗎?