
microbiotic adj.微生物群的。


The species were separately caragana korshinskii hydysarum scoparim artemisia ordosica in shrubs layer , eragrostis poaeoides bassia dasyphylla in herbs layer , bryum argenteum barbula ditrichodies in microbiotic crusts layer . and the dominant species of them were artemisia ordosica eragrostis poaeoides bryum argenteum respectively . due to the different time and the topographical varieties in the fixing - sand region , the horizontal structure of artificial vegetation manifested out the mosaic characteristics 灌木片層的主要植物種是檸條( caraganakorshinskii ) 、花棒( hydysarumscoparim ) 、油蒿( artemisiaordosica )等灌木植物,其中優勢種為油蒿;草本片層的主要植物種有小畫眉草( eragrostispoaeoides ) 、霧冰藜( bassiadasyphylla )等,其中優勢種是小畫眉草;生物結皮由藻類和苔鮮類構成,其中,銀葉真鮮( bryumargenteum夕為固沙植被區鮮類地被層優勢成分。

The function of desert microbiotic crusts in erdos was analyzed , the results ahowed that : microbiotic crusts consist of fine sand and thick powder sand , but differs with the wind - drift sand , wind - drift sand are coarse sand and fine sand ; microbiotic crusts influence the rainfall distribution again and effect on the evaporation of infiltration moisture ; microbiotic crusts has the power of water conservation and the function of enrichment of nutrients 摘要本文對鄂爾多斯沙漠生物結皮作用進行了初步研究,結果表明結皮層的機械組成以細沙和粗粉沙為主,而流沙以粗沙和細沙為主;生物結皮層影響降水的再分配作用,并影響入滲水的蒸發規律;生物結皮層縣有較好的保水特性和養分富集作用。

As a result of its high capability in interception of precipitation and enhanced evaporation of soil surface , the development of microbiotic crusts will more and more threaten the soil water condition which the artificial sand - fixing vegetation should rely on 在1956年固沙區,原來的花棒+檸條+油蒿為主的人工系統向油蒿+霧冰藜+小畫眉草+隱花植物為主的半人工半天然系統的演變。

Simultaneously , there is increased microbiotic invasion , due to increased nosocomial exposure , intestinal translocation , aspiration , skin lesions , and trauma 同時,由于醫院內暴露的增加、腸道菌群的易位、吸引術、皮膚損傷和創傷,增強了微生物的侵襲力。

In artificial vegetation - fixed sandy dunes , microbiotic crusts always occur with stabilizing of the environmental conditions in vegetation regions 在土壤水環境變化的驅動下,人工植被系統發生了一系列的演替過程。