
microbiology n.微生物學。


Primary experience in the course of clinical microbiology teaching practice 臨床診斷學實習課試講制度體會

Experience in constructing top - ranking course of medical microbiology 在醫學微生物學精品課程建設中的體會

Immunology and microbiology device 免疫學及微生物學裝置

Chinese microbiology condition preparation produce market analysis 2007年版中國洗臉盆產品與市場研究報告

Practice and experience of web - based teaching of industrial microbiology 工業微生物學網絡教學實踐與體會

Chinese journal of microbiology 中華微生物學和免疫學雜志

Practice and exploration on microbiology engineer teaching reformation 微生物工程學教學改革實踐與探索

Institute of microbiology , college of 本人在美國長居多年,

Professor yuen kwok - yung , head of department of microbiology of hku 香港大學微生物學系主任袁國勇教授

Progress in microbiology and immunology 微生物學免疫學進展

Hon professor department of microbiology 微生物學系名譽教授

Chinese journal of microbiology and 中華微生物學和免疫學雜志

Discussion about microbiology teaching in traditional chinese medicine 中醫藥專業微生物學教學淺談

Department of life sciences institute of microbiology and immunology 生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所

Quality management in medical microbiology - overview and index 醫療微生物學質量管理.綜述和索引

Water quality - microbiology - quality control of culture media 水質.微生物學.培養基的質量控制

Thinking in creation in the usage of microbiology teaching 創造性思維在醫學微生物學教學中的滲透

2 . microbiology revised march 2007 2 .微生物學二零零七年三月更新

The microbiology division comprises the following ten laboratories 微生物部轄下有十間實驗室: