
microbial adj.微生物的,細菌的,因細菌而起的。


Microbial transformation of soybean sterol 大豆甾醇側鏈的生物降解

A microbial degrading technique for refinery organic dross 煉油廠有機浮渣的微生物處理方法初探

Marking of microbial product in agriculture 農用微生物產品標識要求

Present conditions trend of studies on microbial flocculant 微生物絮凝劑的研究現狀及發展趨勢

Progress of research on microbial flocculent 微生物絮凝劑的研究進展

Microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon 石油烴類的微生物降解

Microbial degradation influences on heave oil characters 微生物降解作用對稠油理化性質的影響

The utilazation study on the microbial degradation of phenol waste 微生物降解法處理含酚廢水

Improving the properties of wool fabrics by microbial 微生物谷氨酰胺轉胺酶改善羊毛織物性能

Determination of sulfite in food by microbial biosensor 食品中亞硫酸鹽的微生物傳感器測定法

The monitoring technology in the microbial enhanced oil recovery 微生物采油中監控技術進展

Guide to microbial contamination in fuels and fuel systems 燃料和燃料系統中微生物雜質指南

Progress in researches on microbial flocculants 微生物絮凝劑的研究進展

Microbial - geological technology and its application prospects 微生物地質技術及其應用前景

Study and appliction of microbial flocculants 微生物絮凝劑的研究及應用

Shallow talk on the control of algae with using microbial techniques 淺論微生物技術控藻

Effects of microbial - floatation desulfuerization 浮選脫硫的影響因素研究

Study on the microbial transformation for producing estrone 微生物轉化法制備雌酮的研究

These compounds inhibit microbial growth 這些化合物能抑制微生物的生長。