
microbe n.微生物;(尤指引起疾病的)細菌。


Environmental significance of the interaction between minerals and microbes 礦物相互作用之環境意義的研究

The preparation method of microbe specimen for electron microscopy 微生物樣品在電鏡觀察中的特殊制備方法

How do microbes beat antibiotics 微生物如何戰勝抗生素?

Study of variation of microbes in night soil aerobic composting 外源接種糞便好氧堆肥的微生物相變化研究

Effect of phosphorus on the re - growth of microbe in drinking water 磷對飲用水中細菌再生長影響的研究

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的腸道里都有一個非常龐大的微生物系統。

Microbe pollution analysis of purified drinking water in shenzhen 深圳市市售純凈水微生物污染情況分析

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的體內都會有大量不同類型的微生物群。

Microbe and mycorrhizal bioremediation of oil - contaminated soil 污染土壤石油生物降解與調控效應研究

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的體內都有著很龐大的微生物的團體。

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人都有一個很龐大的微生物社區在體內。

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的腸子里都有一個巨大的微生物社去。

The development of rapid detection techniques on food microbe 技術在食源性致病微生物檢測中的應用

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的內臟中都生活著非常多的微生物。

Research progress on microbes of lipases 微生物脂肪酶的研究進展

Applications of microbes in dye degradation and its mechanism 微生物在染料脫色中的應用及其機理

A review on rapid detection of pathogenic microbe in food 食品中病原微生物快速檢測方法研究進展

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人的內臟都有數量很龐大的微生物。

Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts 每個人體內都有一個巨大的微生物團體。