
microanalysis n.【化學】微量分析。n.-analyst


We accomplish the designing and experimental work about the biosensor and finish all the clinical experiments with satisfactory results . the biosensor we designed is a microanalysis sensor based on carbon paste electrodes , it is very special . after analyzing the electrode process and characteristic of kinetics and doing research on reaction mechanism of enzyme , we construct the kinetics model of the system 我們設計的生物傳感器是建立在碳糊電極基礎上的微量傳感器,具有特殊性,為此我們在傳統的酶電極模型基礎上,首先推導出了與本傳感器反應契合的動力學數學模型,并將模擬的理論結果與實驗結果進行了對比,最終證實本數學模型能夠比較好地與實際實驗結果符合。

This paper did a research review of interest rate term structure from five aspects . these aspects are : hypothesis on formation of term structure ; static estimation of term structure , microanalysis on the shape of term structure , dynamic models of term structure , and the empirical tests of dynamic models . based on these review , this paper discussed some future research for the term structure of interest rate 對目前利率期限結構的研究狀況進行一個評述性的研究,從5個方面介紹和分析了國內外有關利率期限結構的研究.這5個方面包括:利率期限結構形成假設;利率期限結構靜態估計;利率期限結構自身形態的微觀分析;利率期限結構動態模型;利率期限結構動態模型的實證檢驗.在文獻回顧的基礎上,還對利率期限結構未來的研究方向進行了探討

They argue that the difficulties in supply of rural public goods is formed mainly by lacking of township government foundation , also by the imperfect of current public goods provide institution . this article does microanalysis of village s from specific case and peasants themselves on the basis of research with the positive method . the author thinks that the reason for difficulties of rural public goods supply in village s is a lot deeper , rather than lack of funds and inefficient 本文在現有研究成果的基礎上,著眼于運用實證調研的方法,從具體農村的個案和農民個體的角度對s類農村進行微觀分析,認為造成稅費改革后s農村公共產品供給困境的原因不僅僅是缺乏資金和公共產品供給制度不健全這么簡單,除此之外,還存在著許多深層次的原因,具體表現為:缺乏提供公共產品的資金來源;農民存在向最后者看齊的特殊公正觀和搭便車行為,缺乏出資生產公共產品的積極性;打工潮導致農民與村莊利益關聯度降低和人際關系的陌生化,合作成本增加。

The most important innovation is that i analyze organization model and benefit mechanism in the view of oligarch monopolistic enterprises . and then i advise to spread the result to the similar type of enterprises in jilin . the dissertation adopts ways of combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , norm analysis and concrete analysis , macro examination and microanalysis 本文的創新之處就是從微觀層次探索大型龍頭企業的組織模式和分配機制? ?按照寡頭企業類型分析,結合吉林省農業龍頭企業皓月集團的發展進行闡述,并把這種創新模式推廣到全省類似規模的龍頭企業中去。

In terms of method , the thesis makes an analysis , a synthesis and a generalization of the modern chinese and japanese moral education idea with the combination of historical research and comparative research , macro analysis and microanalysis , general research and specific investigation , integral relation and individual development , revealing the similarities and differences between the modern chinese and japanese moral education ideas and the inherent law governing their formation 在研究方法上,采取了歷史研究與比較研究結合,宏觀把握與微觀梳理結合,一般研究與個案考察結合,整體關聯與單項發展結合等交叉并用的研究方法,對中日近代道德教育理念進行分析、綜合與概括,揭示了中日近代道德教育同質與異質特征,及道德教育理念形成演進的內在規律。

This paper , takes rli as an object of study , takes property rights relationship and management relationship of rural land as a main clue , takes raising the management benefit into full play of rural land and ensuring rural land sustainable utilization as objective , uses the theory of western institution economics and market economics for reference , adopts the method of study of combining macro analysis with microanalysis and combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis , reviews systematically the developing process of rli in china since the founding of our country and the developing tendency of rli in the world , summarizes the influence law of rli to rural land management benefit , analyses the innovative mechanis m . . institutive achievement and being faced with difficult position and gauntlet of the present rli in china , and defines the objective and following principles of rli innovation proceeding from the actual conditions of our country . on the basis of these , constructs the innovative models by stages of rural land property rights institution and management institution , which accords with the market economic law and the law by stages of rural economic developing levels and gives consideration to efficiency and fair 本文以農村土地制度為研究對象,以農村土地的產權關系和經營關系為主線,以農村經濟發展水平(包括農村生產力發展水平和農村工業化、城鎮化水平)和農民的承受能力為依據,以最大限度地提高農地經營效益、確保農地資源的可持續利用為目的,借鑒西方新制度經濟學理論和市場經濟理論,采用宏觀分析與微觀分析、定量分析與定性分析、規范研究與實證研究相結合的研究方法,系統地回顧了建國后我國農地制度的演變過程及世界農地制度的演變趨勢,總結了農地制度對農地經營效益的影響規律,分析了我國現行的家庭承包經營責任制的創新機理、制度績效及其面臨的困境與挑戰,并從我國的實際出發,確定了農地制度創新的目標及應遵循的原則,在此基礎上構建符了符合市場經濟規律和農村經濟發展水平的階段性規律、兼顧效率和社會公平的階段性農地產權制度創新模式及其對應的經營制度創新模式。

In this work , the transgenic plants showed a tendency to accumulate less na + and more k + under saline condition than wild type plants and there was a high cytosolic k + / na + ratio in the roots of transgenic lines . 5 . x - ray microanalysis of na + , k + contents of the symplast and apoplast showed that transgenic lines accumulate less na + and more k + in the symplast than wild type plants 在對轉基因植株及野生型植株用100nunol lnaci處理六天后, na ” 、 k ”的x一射線微區分析,轉基因植株根、葉中質外體na 、 k十含量變化不大,但共質體中na十含量明顯降低,廣含量高于對照。

A series of experiments were conducted on the salivary gland of female haemaphysalis longicornis neumann , including salivary gland structure , protein concentration and components , na k - atpase activity , as well as their variation during different developmental stages , especially the effects of juvenile hormone analogue farnesol on the structure and secretion of salivary glands , by scanning electron microscope ( sem ) , bradford method , sds - page , enzyme microanalysis , topical application etc . the present research will provide foundation for deeply investigations on the important organs in the future 本文以廣泛分布于我國的長角血蜱haemaphysalislongicornisneumann為研究對象,利用電鏡技術、 bradford法、 sds ? page和na ~ - 、 k ~ - - atpase活性微量檢測法等現代生物學技術對其唾液腺結構、蛋白含量和成分、 na ~ - 、 k ~ - ? atpase活性及其動態變化,特別是保幼激素類似物法尼醇對唾液腺結構與分泌活性的影響進行了較系統地研究,為深入開展蜱類唾液腺研究提供依據。

Microstructure of the composite layer was analyzed with help of optical microscope , scanning electronic microscope ( sem ) , electronic probe microanalysis ( epma ) and x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) . the compacting of the billet and the forming mechanism of the carbide reinforcement were studied based on thermodynamics and kinetics of reaction , sintering theory and the result of dta . at the same time , the wear - resistance of the composite layer was studied under condition of dry sliding friction 利用光學顯微鏡、掃描電子顯微鏡、電子探針以及x -射線衍射儀,分析了表面復合層的基體組織結構;運用反應熱力學、動力學、粉末燒結理論和燃燒合成理論,結合差熱分析結果,探討了表面復合層壓坯的燒結致密化原理和碳化物增強相的形成機理;利用坯塊在真空燒結爐不同溫度下的燒結出來的顯微組織分析,模擬出坯塊的燒結過程中的化學反應過程。

On the basis of combining depth with width , macro analysis with microanalysis , theory with reality , and quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis , this article analyses deeply the characteristics , mechanism and evolving trend of the marine industry structure in zhoushan . some adjusting methods and strategies are herein put forward . the whole article is divided into five parts 本文試著從廣度和深度、宏觀和微觀、理論和實際有機結合的基礎上,本著定性與定量相結合的原則,深入分析舟山市海洋產業結構特征及形成機制,探討和研究舟山市海洋產業結構的演進趨勢,并提出舟山市海洋產業結構調整的戰略與對策,全文共分五部分。

( 7 ) analyzed volatile chemical composition of two kind of herbs with hs - spme “ gc - ms . the results are satisfactory , proving that adopting self - spme apparatus can be succeed in enrichment of volatility composition and used in the microanalysis of the volatile matter ( 7 )用自制裝置spme一一gc / ms分別對山奈和新鮮的劍麻鮮花香氣成分進行了剖析,效果令人滿意,說明采用自制的spme裝置可成功地富集揮發性成分,可用于痕量揮發物的分析。

At the same time it ' s advance and limitation is discussed , and it indicate chemical dating technigue on the electron - probe microanalysis has wildely the prospect of applincation in earth sciences 本文在簡單介紹該技術發展歷程后,進一步詳細介紹該技術的基本原理、樣品制備與分析、年齡計算方法等內容,最后討論了該技術的優缺點,同時指出電子探針測年技術在地學中的具有廣泛的應用前景。

Development of high throughput microanalysis ( htma ) is proposed , which is a key issue in analytical chemistry and is essential to break through the bottle - neck emerged in life science since the outburst of post - genomic projects 摘要本文討論了微量水平的高通量分析問題,認為這是當前生命科學向分析化學所提出的最主要的挑戰,也是分析化學發展必須解決的核心問題之一。

Development of high throughput microanalysis ( htma ) is proposed , which is a key issue in analytical chemistry and is essential to break through the bottle - neck emerged in life science since the outburst of post - genomic projects 本文討論了微量水平的高通量分析問題,認為這是當前生命科學向分析化學所提出的最主要的挑戰,也是分析化學發展必須解決的核心問題之一。

Finally , the paper gives some macro - analysis and microanalysis to vc and offers some suggestions on the relating issue such as law , intellectual education , technology , and particularly the taxation policy 4 、風險投資環境分析。本文對風險投資進行了宏觀、微觀環境分析,并給出一些法律、人才培育、技術環境、尤其是稅收政策等方面的建議。

Industrial chemicals kanto chemical supplies specialty reagents for special purpose research , for example analysis , synthesis , standard substances , chromatography , biochemistry , super microanalysis 關東化學提供分析,合成,標準品,層析,生化研究,超微量分析等特殊用途之試劑,可使用于各種研究領域。

Firstly , in microanalysis and ultra microanalysis , the solution background that resulted from the chemical interference , would be the primary factor that affected the sensitivity 尿酸樣品在酶反應器中產生的過氧化氫流經微反應器時,產生化學發光,據此實現對尿酸的測定。

Failure causes of double clip reed were analyzed by means of optical microscopy , scanning electron microscopy , electron probe microanalysis and micro hardness tester 采用光學金相、掃描電鏡、電子探針成分分析和顯微硬度測定等方法分析了雙卡簧片非正常斷裂的原因。

The na k - atpase activity of salivary glands of unfed and engorged females , and its dynamic variation were detected for the first time using the great samples and enzyme microanalysis 婢饑餓期和飽血后唾濃腺中na 、 k atpase活性,并完成酶活性的動態分析。