
micky n.米基〔男子名, Michael 的昵稱〕。


Beyond lundy foot s from the shaded door of kavanagh s winerooms john wyse nolan smiled with unseen coldness towards the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of ireland . the right honourable william humble , earl of dudley , g . c . v . o . , passed micky anderson s all times ticking watches and henry and james s wax smartsuited freshcheeked models , the gentleman henry , dernier cri james 維多利亞大十字勛章佩帶者達德利伯爵威廉亨勃爾大人一路走過米基安德森店里那眾多嘀嘀嗒嗒響個不停的鐘表,以及亨利-詹姆斯那些衣著時髦臉蛋兒鮮艷的蠟制模特兒紳士亨利與最瀟灑的詹姆斯。

John wyse nolan fell back with mr power , while martin cunningham took the elbow of a dapper little man in a shower of hail suit who walked uncertainly with hasty steps past micky anderson s watches . - the assistant town clerk s corns are giving him some trouble , john wyse nolan told mr power 約翰懷斯諾蘭和鮑爾先生落在后面,馬丁坎寧翰則挽住一位身穿帶白斑點的深色衣服整潔而短小精悍的人,那個人正邁著急促的腳步趔趔趄趄地從米基安德森的鐘表鋪前走過。

Still it s the same fish , perhaps old micky hanlon of moore street ripped the guts out of making money , hand over fist , finger in fishes gills , can t write his name on a cheque , think he was painting the landscape with his mouth twisted 但也許這就是同一條魚哩,穆爾街的老米基漢隆為了掙錢,曾把手指伸進那條魚的腮里,開了膛掏出內臟。他連在支票上簽名都不會。咧著嘴,只當是在畫一幅風景畫呢。

Depressed because he lost his baby ( though it was him who initially asked for abortion ) , matty , together with his friend micky , go on a wild night , they meet a waitress also called annie and in the end of the night matty passes out 故事講述一個有吸毒經歷的男演員馬蒂,他在神智不清時殺了女友安妮,而且自此他失去了對以前的記憶。

But , it wasn ' t overnight and it wasn ' t without a few setbacks . in 1989 , she auditioned but got turned down for a role on the “ micky mouse club . 但是, “小甜甜”并非一夜成名,而是經歷了不少困難。 1989年,她去參加電視秀《米老鼠俱樂部》的試鏡,卻未能入選。

Tommasino : micky . why are you so far from the house ? you know i ' m responsible to your father for your life 邁克,你為何離房子那么遠?你可知道萬一你出了事我要向令尊負責的。

I was captured by the complicated plot in micky blue eyes 我被電影《藍眼睛米奇》 ( 《黑幫女婿》 )的復雜情節吸引住了

- hey , micky . - don ' t hit me -你好,米奇-別動手

Hey , micky . - don ' t hit me 你好,米奇-別動手

Isn ' t science fun , micky 科學是不是很有趣,米奇?

Micky should have his eyes checked 米奇的眼睛有毛病了

You sell homegrown pot by the ounce , micky , not by the barrel 你是個在后院種大麻的小販不是什么大毒梟

Why is the comet like micky mouse 為什么是慧星像米老老鼠

His vocation : micky rooney s band 他的職業是:米基魯尼樂隊。

Twittering . icky licky micky sticky for leo 顫巍巍地唱著利奧!

What about micky ? she ' s my partner 那micky呢?她是我的合作伙伴

Micky said that he saw you at the wyndham 米奇說他看到你去了威德漢母

You see , micky , he doesn ' t like new faces 你看,米奇他可不是新面孔了