
mickle adj.〔蘇格蘭語〕〔古語〕大的;許多的。n.大量,多量...


Wang s . huang m . , shao x . , mickle , r . a . , li k . , ji j . 2004 . vertical distribution of soil organic carbon in china . environmental management , 33 ( supplement 1 ) : s200 ? s209 胡云峰,王紹強,楊風亭. 2004 .風蝕作用下的土壤碳庫變化及在中國的初步估算.地理研究, 23 ( 6 ) : 760 - 768

And whiles they spake the door of the castle was opened and there nighed them a mickle noise as of many that sat there at meat 當彼等談話時,城堡11之門開啟,眾多就餐者之喧囂聲在近旁響起。

Brushstroke of every months is small investment , many a little makes a mickle , penny also can greaten money 每月的一筆小額投資,積少成多,小錢也能變大錢。

However , many a mickle makes a muckle , and in total they add up to something significant 但是,積少成多,這些習慣積累起來就成了巨大的風險。

However , many a mickle makes a muckle , and in total they add up to something significant 但是積少成多,所有的加在一起就會形成巨大的影響。

Many a little makes a mickle 積少便成多。

Mickle power makes many enemies 權高樹敵多。

Seek mickle , and get something ; seek little , and get nothing 尋找多一些,就得著一些。尋找少一些,就一無所得。

Many a little makes a mickle 滴水成河,粒米成籮。

Every little makes a mickle 諺積少成多,滴水成流。