
mick n.〔美俚、蔑〕愛爾蘭人。


Mick has iron nerves 米克沉著果敢。

2 , 000 degrees , mick 2000度高溫,米奇

If mick starts talking to you like that again i ' ll soon settle his hash 要是米克再象那樣開始同你講話,我會馬上制服他的。

Mick jagger of the rolling stones was singing “ midnight rambler 滾石搖滾樂隊的邁克?賈格爾正在臺上演唱“午夜漫步人” 。

He walked over to one of the telephones and called his friend mick miles 他走到電話機旁,給他的朋友米克?邁爾斯打電話。

He walked over to one of the telephones and called his friend mick miles 他走到電話機旁,給他的知己米克?邁爾斯打電話。

But she also felt that mick was hardly making a display of selflessness 但是她也覺得蔑克不過是個自私自利的人罷了。

Mick : what ' s wrong with him 米克:他怎么了?

Hey , mick , come down here 嘿,米克,過來這里

Mick clark , alias sid brown , was wanted for questioning by the police 米克?克拉克,又名錫德?布朗,被警方通緝審問。

All you micks , break up 你們這些愛爾蘭佬,走開

Mick : i thought you said you weren ' t fussy . do we have spuds 米克:我記得你說過你不挑食的。那我們吃土豆怎么樣?

Mick clark , alias sid brown , is wanted for questioning by the police 米克?克拉克,又名錫德?布朗,被警方通緝審問

Mick licked his chops when i told him wendy was coming to the party 我對米克說溫迪要來參加宴會時,他望眼欲穿。

Mick : i think it ' s burning 米克:我想是魚糊了。

Mick : ok . how was work 米克:好。今天工作怎么樣?

Now , most of these micks will be off to the gold fields 這些愛爾蘭佬只要能得到哪怕一點物資都會馬上逃跑去淘金

Mick : we could still eat it 米克:我們還是可以吃的。

Mick : you ' re probably right . ammm . . . . can you make me one too 米克:你可能是對的。嗯… …能給我也做一個嗎?