
michelle n.米歇爾〔女子名〕。


Someone planted a bomb in michelle dessler ' s car 有人在米歇爾?德斯勒的車里放置了炸彈

Y 0u will bec0me an animal michelle . just an animal 你會變成動物,蜜雪兒.只是個動物

Michelle , please fiorgive me . i ' m so sorry 米歇爾,請原諒我我很對不起你

Was behind the attack on tony and michelle , too 也襲擊了托尼和米歇爾咯?

Michelle : yes . i ' ll stop e - mailing him 米歇爾:是的,我會停止和他發電郵。

There was so much that i wanted to say to michelle 我有很多話想對米歇爾說

We ' ll talk ab0ut michelle after i return 等我回來我們就蜜雪兒的事好好談談

- nice to meetyou . - nice to meetyou , michelle -見到你很高興-你好,米歇爾

Nice to meetyou . - nice to meetyou , michelle 見到你很高興-你好,米歇爾

What ' s wr0ng mr . sahai ? is michelle all right 出什么事了,薩海先生?蜜雪兒怎么了?

Michelle , can we , uh - can we go for a walk 米歇爾,我們可以出去散散步嗎?

And michelle takes the next t0 the mental asylum 緊接著你們就送蜜雪兒就去精神病院?

Michelle i didn ' t tell anybody i was getting out 我沒告訴任何人我要出獄了

Well , i made it . where ' s michelle ? the washroom 我來了。米歇爾在哪啊?去洗手間了?

Sec0ndly , 0nly i will have a right 0ver michelle 第二,只有我能引導蜜雪兒

Miss michelle chow tel . : 2241 5917 , email 周佩珊小姐電話: 2241 5917電郵:

Chin siu ho , jet li , fennie yuen , michelle yeoh 錢小豪,李連杰,袁潔瑩,楊紫瓊

Y 0u will have t0 learn michelle . are y0u listening 你還要學,蜜雪兒,你聽到了嗎?

Michelle said the wedding was doable , right 米歇爾認同這個婚禮可行,對吧?