
michelangelo Michelangelo , Buonarrotti 米...


Wong kar wai , steven soderbergh , michelangelo antonioni cast : gong li , chang chen , robert downey jr . , alan arkin , christopher buchholz , regina nemni 演員:鞏俐張震田豐robert downey羅拔唐尼alan arkin阿倫艾堅christopher buchholz基斯杜化畢祖爾regina nemni維珍娜蘭妮

In michelangelo s day , master artists hired workers for their special abilities : gilding , painting background landscapes , rendering the folds of a garment , and so on 在michelangelo時期,大師藝術家雇傭專門的技術工人:鍍金、背景著色、渲染外層,等等。

What might have happened if leonardo da vinci , michelangelo , or some of the other great renaissance masters had tried to collaborate on a project 如果leonardo da vinci 、 michelangelo ,或者其他著名的大師在一個專案中協同工作,會發生怎樣的情形?

Michelangelo ' s david , his best - known work after the sistine chapel fresco in the vatican attracts more than 1 . 2 million visitors every year 米開朗基羅的“大衛”是他僅次于梵蒂岡西斯廷教堂壁畫的最著名的作品,每年吸引超過120萬游客到此參觀。

How can tempest or missile command compare with beethoven ' s fifth symphony , michelangelo ' s pieta , or hemingway ' s a farewell to arms 《飛彈司令》之流如何能與貝多芬的第五交響曲,米開朗基羅的圣母憐子圖和海明威的《永別了,武器》相提并論。

And only one super - ninja fighting team can stop him ? those heroes in a half shell ? leonardo , michelangelo , donatello and raphae 只有一支超級忍者戰斗隊能夠阻止他們?就是那些身披半甲的英雄?利昂納多、米開朗琪羅、多納泰羅和拉斐爾!

Confident that his art would endure , michelangelo replied that a thousand years from then , no one would know the difference 米開朗基羅自信的認為他的作品能夠長久,他回答說:一千多年以后,不會有人能夠看出其中的區別了。

Just as michelangelo created art for a purpose , we create software for a purpose - usually for a paying customer 正如米開朗基羅為了某種目的而進行創作一樣,我們也是有目的的開發軟件通常是為某個支付報酬的用戶來設計。

O molloy said , of roman justice as contrasted with the earlier mosaic code , the lex talionis . and he cited the moses of michelangelo in the vatican 于是,他就舉出安置于羅馬教廷的米開朗琪羅的雕塑摩西作例證。 ”

I was surprised to see how many statues have visible supports , which detracted from the aesthetics . not michelangelo s david , though 我非常驚訝的看到許多雕塑都有很明顯的支撐,而這些支撐卻是與美學相背離的。

You may become a shakespeare , a michelangelo , a beethoven . you have the capacity for anything . yes , you are a marvel 你可以成為莎士比亞,米開朗基羅,或者是貝多芬。你有成就一切的能力。是的,你是一個奇跡。

Michelangelo buonarroti was the foremost sculptor of the italian renaissance and one of the leading painters of his time 米開朗基羅是義大利文藝復興時期最重要的雕塑家,也是那個時期最重要的畫家之。

Ciro ferrara and michelangelo rampulla expressed their shock at the tragic drowning of two juventus youth team players 西羅.費拉拉和米切蘭吉洛.蘭普拉表示對兩名尤文圖斯青年隊球員的溺死感到震驚

You can view masterpieces by da vinci and michelangelo with your own eyes in the vatican , the world ' s smallest country 你還可以在世界上最小的國家梵蒂岡,親眼欣賞達芬奇和米開朗基羅的杰作。

For example , the city of florence during the renaissance period was home to both leonardo da vinci and michelangelo 舉例而言,文藝復興時期,李奧納多達文西與米開朗基羅都住在佛羅倫斯市。

Michelangelo and leonardo da vinci knew this when they gathered people together to work on their next masterpiece Michelangelo和leonardo da vinci當聚集人員開展下一個杰作時就懂得了這點。

The high resolution copies of priceless paintings included works by monet , da vinci , rembrandt , and michelangelo 這些高解像的無價名作復制圖,包括了莫內,達文西,林布蘭特與米開朗基羅。

Michelangelo , in addition to painting the sistine chapel ceiling , was also the dome s architect figure 1 米開朗基羅除了是羅馬教堂圓屋頂天花板的繪制者,另外還是教堂圓頂的建筑師。

Sightseeing includes - multi - colored marble cathedral - duomo , signoria square , santa croce basilica and michelangelo square 本地出產的皮貨物廉價美,聞名于世,金飾品亦非常著名。