
michaelmas n.米迦勒節〔9月29日,英國四大結賬日 (Quarte...

michaelmas daisy

“ why , my dear , you must know , mrs . long says that netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of england ; that he came down on monday in a chaise and four to see the place , and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with mr . morris immediately ; that he is to take possession before michaelmas , and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week . “哦!親愛的,你得知道,郎格太太說,租尼日斐花園的是個闊少爺,他是英格蘭北部的人聽說他星期一那天,乘著一輛駟馬大轎車來看房子,看得非常中意,當場就和莫理斯先生談妥了他要在米迦勒節以前搬進來,打算下個周未先叫幾個傭人來住。 ”

After some mental debating of the point , he came to the conclusion that it would be as well to get all the preliminaries done with , and they could then arrange at their leisure whether he should give her his hand a week or two before michaelmas term , or in the little christmas vacation between it and hilary 他在頭腦里對此事進行了一番辯論,得出的結論是最好先處理完準備事宜,然后從容安排是否在米迦勒學期前一兩周,或其后至希拉里節學期之間的圣誕節小假內向她求婚。

Summer drew to an end , and early autumn : it was past michaelmas , but the harvest was late that year , and a few of our fields were still uncleared 夏天結束了,已是早秋天氣,已經過了秋節,但是那年收成晚,我們的田有些還沒有清除完畢。

People did say you meant to quit the place entirely at michaelmas ; but , however , i hope it is not true 人們都說,你打算一到米迦勒節,就把房子退租,我但愿不會如此。

What the two drank together , between hilary term and michaelmas , might have floated a king s ship 他倆從希拉里期到米迦勒節之間在一起灌下的酒可以浮起一艘豪華巨輪。

Michaelmas goose . here s a good lump of thyme seasoning under the apron for you 為你準備了一大堆調好了味的麝香草,塞在鵝的肚皮里。

For the second mooting ] nig ] ht of michaelmas term 第二次晚間審議大會應當采取何種形式?

For the second mooting nig ht of michaelmas term 第二次晚間審議大會應當采取何種形式?