
michael n.1.邁克爾〔男子名〕。2.米迦勒〔天使長〕。短語和例...


Asymmetric michael additions of nitro compounds 硝基化合物的不對稱邁克爾加成反應

Michael is always very logical in his approach 邁克在處理方法上總是很講邏輯。

Eg : i really like michael jordan . he ' s the man 我很欣賞麥克爾喬丹,他很出色!

Well , you know what , michael ? you did the right thing 你知道嗎,邁克爾?你做得沒錯

The coven is in danger , and michael is the key - - 大聚會有危險而邁克爾是關鍵. .

Well , michael wanted the bear kept prisoner with him , 麥克希望能和熊被關在一起

Some of them were good , some of them were michael ' s , 有些是對的有些是邁克爾出的

Michael : hi billy . you look frazzled today 邁克爾:嗨比利,你今天看起來很疲憊。

How do you and michael balance the careers 你和邁克爾在事業上如何找到平衡點?

- where you going ? - michael needs a new suit -你去哪里? -邁克爾需要一件新西服

A week later , michael was released from the hospital 一周之后,邁克爾出院了。

Paulo : michael , let me introduce my sister to you 保羅:邁克爾,讓我給你介紹我妹妹

Michael : hey billy . do you have any sugar left 邁克爾:你好,比利。你有糖嗎?

Hey , michael , look at sara out there , reading 嘿,邁克爾看薩拉在外面,正讀書呢

Billy : you have hit the nail on the head , michael 比利:說到點子上了,邁克爾。

Michael jackson is particular with his clothes 邁克爾.杰克遜在著裝方面很講究

Michael was the fifth to die that month 邁克爾已經是這個月第五個喪命的家伙了。

Listen , michael , i didn ' t exactly finish the book , okay 麥克爾,我沒讀完這本書

- ls it michael ? - what the hell is going on 是邁克爾么?到底發生什么事了?