
micelle n.1.【生物學】分子團。2.【化學】膠束;膠態離子;細...


It has many advantages , such as the particles size is well distributed , and its diameter can be well controlled , etc . because of this virtue , reverse micelle shows broad prospects in the preparation of ferrite nanoparticles . hi this work , the syntheses of mnfe2o4 nanoparticles , cofe2o4 nanoparticles and znfe2o4 nanoparticles are prepared by the reverse micelle method , these preparations employed reverse micelles formed with anionic surfactant bis - ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) sodium sulosuccinate ( aot ) , which is considered the most effective surfactant , and another anionic surfactant bis - ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) sodium hydroxy sulosuccinate ( ahot ) , which is a new surfactant , and was synthesized by our own research group . we also synthesized znfe2o4 nanoparticles using the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide ( ctab ) 本文分別采用通常被認為最佳的陰離子表面活性劑? ?二( 2 -乙基己基)丁二酸酯磺酸鈉( aot ) ,和我們課題組自己設計合成的新型陰離子表面活性劑? ?二( 2 -乙基己基)羥基丁二酸酯磺酸鈉( ahot )所構成的反膠束體系為微反應器,成功制備了mnfe _ 2o _ 4納米粒子、 cofe _ 2o _ 4納米粒子和znfe _ 2o _ 4納米粒子;還以陽離子型表面活性劑? ?十六烷基三甲基溴化銨( ctab )構成的反膠束體系為微反應器,成功制備了znfe _ 2o _ 4納米粒子;并探討了表面活性劑的種類和結構對反膠束法制備鐵氧體納米粒子反應的影響。

Triangle and sea urchin shaped polyaniline / tio2 nanocomposites in aot , op , and ctab system were observed respectively , and we proposed a hypothesis for the mechanism of nanoparticles “ formation in reverse micelle . synthesis conditions such as stirring and experimental procedure were changed when pani / baso4 was synthesized in aot system . then we draw a conclusion that we should stir the reactant and take the one step procedure to get monodisperse and spheroidal nanoparticles 在aot體系中合成聚苯胺-硫酸鋇復合納米粒子時,分別考察了攪拌因素和不同合成步驟對聚苯胺-硫酸鋇尺寸及形態的影響,結果表明若想制備分布均勻,尺寸較小并且呈球形的復合納米粒子應采用一步合成并在反應進行過程中伴隨攪拌。

Hence it is important to understand the factors which influence the stability of phenolic compounds and identify methods to control the oxidative degradation of phenolics . scientific workers attached importance to amphiphilic structures ( liposomes and micelles ) since its “ discovery , especially in extensive use in slow - release and target drug carriers . since the eighties last century , some advanced countries such as germany , sweden and usa have done much basic researches on application of amphiphilic structures at the expense of much manpower and financial resources , resulting in appearance of liposome target anticancer drugs 脂質體( liposomes )和膠束體( micelles )類雙親和結構自發現以來,引起了科技界的高度重視,特別是脂質體結構的緩釋性和靶向性在醫藥上的用途更為廣泛,國外八十年代開始投入大量人力和財力進行研究,于九十年代開發出了脂質體靶向抗癌藥物面市;我國九十年代引起重視并投入一定的經費開始研究,但到目前國內尚無一例成功開發上市的脂質體靶向藥物。

Based on the theory of shrinkage , capillary force theory , the influence of road concrete additives in common use on surface tension of water is studied , and the results show that the influence of water reducer is very small whereas shrinkage - reducing agent and air entrainer can reduce surface tension of solution significantly . the relation between surface tension and additive dosage are non - linear relation . each additive has an obvious critical micelle concentration ( cmc ) 從混凝土收縮的基本理論? ?毛細管張力理論出發,通過道路混凝土外加劑對水的表面張力的影響研究發現,減水劑對水的表面張力的影響很小,而減縮劑和引氣劑可以大幅度降低溶液的表面張力,溶液的表面張力隨外加劑的摻量呈非線性形式降低,而且都存在臨界膠束濃度。

P - n , n - dimethlaminobenzates ( ( ch3 ) 2nc6h4coor ) have typical ict characteristics . the ct emission and the fluorescence intensity ratio of ct band to normal band ( ict / ile ) were different in organic solvent and in the aqueous solvent with ctab micelle when the length of r group was increasing N , n -二氨基苯甲酸酯系列具有典型的雙熒光,從甲酯到辛酯隨著酯烷基鏈的增長,它們在有機溶劑和膠束水溶液中的熒光峰位置以及雙重熒光強度之間的比值不同。

Because the anode nano - materials made by the method of reverse micelle can ensure the electricity character to be uniform , steady , saving energy and reduce the cost of materials , small high - powered new pattern battery can be made 電池的性質與電池的兩極材料性質密切相關,因此利用反膠束法制備納米級的正極材料,可以最大限度地保證材料電學性質均勻、穩定、節省能源、降低材料成本,制成小體積、高性能的新型高性能二次電池。

3 flexible liposome constituted with pc + dona were exhibited under transmission electron microscopy . 4 pfg - nmr analysis indicated that the use of 25 : 1 of tween - 20 : ( - ) c , most of it ( > 90 % ) has been incorporated in the tween - 20 micelle structures 4 、以pnnmr分析了膠束體帥)結構對卜幾類物質的荷載量,發現當t een一20使用量為兒茶素卜)的50倍時,絕大部分卜) c ( 90以上)己嵌禾在tween 20形成的膠束體( 。

In the past decade , many investigations have been performed on the magnetic nanoparticles of spinel ferrites . it has not only the great potentials for basic science , but also for the applications in materials . reverse micelles are water - in - oil microemlsions 鐵氧體磁性納米粒子不僅在基本理論上具有特殊的意義,而且在實際應用中有著廣泛的用途,因此在過去的十年中,這一領域的研究工作獲得廣泛重視。

P - nmr and the dynamic light scattering spectroscopy . the results show that the water content and the size of the reversed micelles increased with the increase of gold content in the organic phase . the po stretching decreases , while the 實驗結果表明,隨著有機相金濃度和表面活性劑濃度逐漸增加,有機相含水量增加,有機相中磷酸三丁酯tbp的磷氧基伸縮振動向低頻移動,核磁共振

Abstract : micellization of block copolymers in selective solvents was reviewed with 69 references . the structure , kinetics , dynamics and hydronamics behavior of the formation of block copolymer micelles were discussed 文摘:綜述了近20年來在選擇性溶劑中嵌段聚合物締合行為的研究進展,探討了膠束結構、表征方法及膠束形成的熱力學、動力學和流體力學。

This article introduces the application status of microemulsion system and the principle of microemulsion reactorinverse - micelle . furthermore , its application in the field of nanometer materials 摘要綜述了微乳狀液體系的應用現狀,對微乳反膠團反應器的原理、形成與結構進行了研究與探討,并進一步闡述了微乳反應器在納米超微顆粒制備領域中的應用現狀。

Micellization of block copolymers in selective solvents was reviewed with 69 references . the structure , kinetics , dynamics and hydronamics behavior of the formation of block copolymer micelles were discussed 綜述了近20年來在選擇性溶劑中嵌段聚合物締合行為的研究進展,探討了膠束結構、表征方法及膠束形成的熱力學、動力學和流體力學。

The best compositions and contents of aot reverse microemulsion in the work were studied by measuring the maximum amount of solubilizing water in micelles from the abrupt change of electroconductivity 本文根據電導率法測定體系的最大增溶水量,從而分別確定了在現有實驗條件下aot微乳液體系各組分的種類和相應的濃度范圍。

The extraction of amino acids by ion - exchange , liquid membrane and reverse micelle and their applications in the separation of hair - hydrolyzed amino acids are summarized 摘要總結了氨基酸制備中的三大萃取技術:離子交換反應萃取,液膜分離萃取和反相膠團萃取及其在毛發水解氨基酸萃取分離方面的應用。

Macromolecules including surfactants can aggregate to form micelles with various shapes in solution , and this character makes it widely used in the applications of industrial and living fields 摘要包括表面活性劑在內的大分子在溶液中可以形成聚集體的特性,使其在工業和生活領域得到廣泛的應用。

The “ water pool “ in reverse micelle is formed by surfactant spontaneously arraying in non - aqueous solvent . this provides an excellent micro - reactor for the preparation of nanoparticles 表面活性劑會在非水溶劑中自發排列形成納米尺寸的“水池” ,這為納米粒子的制備提供了優良的微反應空間。

Macromolecules including surfactants can aggregate to form micelles with various shapes in solution , and this character makes it widely used in the applications of industrial and living fields 包括表面活性劑在內的大分子在溶液中可以形成聚集體的特性,使其在工業和生活領域得到廣泛的應用。

The extraction of amino acids by ion - exchange , liquid membrane and reverse micelle and their applications in the separation of hair - hydrolyzed amino acids are summarized 總結了氨基酸制備中的三大萃取技術:離子交換反應萃取,液膜分離萃取和反相膠團萃取及其在毛發水解氨基酸萃取分離方面的應用。

The size of the particles disperses uniform as well as narrow ( obtained by reverse micelle method in the system of aot / iso - octane / water and trion x - 100 / caprylic alcohol / cyclohexane / water ) 通過透射電子顯微鏡觀測到兩種體系合成出的粒子粒徑在5nm左右,且粒子呈單分散,粒徑分布均勻。