
mice n.mouse 的復數。


“found it,“ the mouse replied rather crossly: “of course you know what it means. “ “發現這個,”耗子有點生氣地回答道,“你當然知道這個是什么意思。”

Inbred mice of the dba/2 strain developed severe necrotizing lesions of the pancreatic islets . 近親繁殖的DBA2系小白鼠發生了胰島嚴重壞孢病變。

For one moment he had relaxed and fancies had burrowed through like mice or hobgoblins . 他一時放松了警惕,幻想便象老鼠或者妖精似的乘虛而入。

The mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water, and seemed to quiver all over with fright . 那只耗子突然一下跳出水面,好象嚇得混身都在發抖。

Bright-eyed mice crept back to their tiny homes and nestled timidly together . 眼睛亮晶晶的老鼠爬回它們的洞窟,怯生生地蜷伏在一起。

She held a new council, calling in mice from every quarter of the globe . 她又舉行了一次會議,召來了地球上每一個角落里的老鼠。

For security purposes this new monster was assigned the code name mouse . 為了迷惑間諜,給這一新的龐然大物起一個代號為“鼠”。

The development of mouse kidney tubules requires two kinds of differentiated cells . 小鼠腎小管的發育需要有兩種分化的細胞。

He was never quite sure that they had not been playing cat and mouse with him . 他一直也沒弄清楚,他們當時是不是在嚇唬他。

All i had to do was to be quiet, and i was as quiet as a mouse . 我只要把事情藏在心里不說就行,而我也真作到守口如瓶了。

In mice the h-2 isoantigens are the strongest histocompatibility antigens . 小鼠中的H-2同種抗原是最強的組織相容性抗原。

The rumor said that if he had the spirit of a mouse he wouldn't stand it . 謠言說如果他只有耗子的膽量,他是承受不住的

Quick as a wink, the lame mouse snatched up the precious talisman . 說時遲那時快,跛足的老鼠一把抓住寶貴的法寶。

Mice squeak . 老鼠吱吱叫。

Cats catch mice . 貓逮老鼠。

The good little mouse did not know not that there were also flying cats . 這只善良的小老鼠并不知道還有飛貓。

Cats prey on mice . 貓捕食老鼠。

“not like cats!“ cried the mouse in a shrill passionate voice . “不喜歡貓!”耗子激動地尖聲叫道。

The country mouse was sitting under a hazel thicket plucking nuts . 鄉鼠正坐在榛樹叢下摘硬果。