
micah n.1.邁卡〔男子名〕。2.彌迦〔公元前八世紀的希伯來先...


Sven goran eriksson has marked his return to club football by being named manager of the month for august , while micah richards is player of the month 埃里克松以獲得8月份的最佳教練來標志他回歸到了俱樂部足球,同時,米卡.理查德斯獲得了8月份最佳球員

Find out how xhtml 2 . 0 goes to great lengths to balance machine processing ability with authoring convenience in micah dubinko s article “ linking in xhtml 2 . 0 了解xhtml 2 . 0在平衡機器處理能力和編輯方便性上的長足進展,請閱讀micah dubinko的文章“

[ bbe ] and micah said to him , where do you come from ? and he said to him , i am a levite from beth - lehem - judah , and i am looking for a living - place 米迦問他說、你從那里來他回答說、從猶大伯利恒來、我是利未人、要找一個可住的地方。

They cried to the sons of dan , who turned around and said to micah , “ what is the matter with you , that you have assembled together ? 士18 : 24米迦說、你們將我所作的神像、和祭司都帶了去、我還有所剩的麼怎麼還問我說、作甚麼呢。

And they called out to the children of dan . and they turned and faced them and said to micah , what is bothering you , that you have been gathered together 23他們呼叫但人。但人轉過臉來,對米迦說,你召集這許多人來作什么?

As they shouted after them , the danites turned and said to micah , “ what ' s the matter with you that you called out your men to fight ? 24米迦說,你們將我所作的神像和祭司都帶了去,我還有所剩的嗎?怎么還問我說作什么呢?

And the man micah had a house of gods ; and he made an ephod and teraphim , and consecrated one of his sons to become his priest 5米迦這人有了神堂,又制造以弗得和家中的神像,叫他一個兒子承接圣職作他的祭司。

[ bbe ] and they put up for themselves the image which micah had made , and it was there all the time that the house of god was in shiloh 神的殿在示羅多少日子、但人為自己設立米迦所雕刻的像、也在但多少日子。

So the sons of dan went on their way ; and when micah saw that they were too strong for him , he turned and went back to his house 士18 : 26但人還是走他們的路米迦見他們的勢力比自己強盛、就轉身回家去了。

And the children of dan went their way : and when micah saw that they were too strong for him , he turned and went back unto his house 26但人還是走他們的路。米迦見他們的勢力比自己強盛,就轉身回家去了。

So they set up for themselves micah ' s graven image which he had made , all the time that the house of god was at shiloh 士18 : 31神的殿在示羅多少日子、但人為自己設立米迦所雕刻的像、也在但多少日子。

Then the children of dan went on their way ; and when micah saw that they were stronger than he , he went back to his house 但人還是走他們的路米迦見他們的勢力比自己強盛、就轉身回家去了。

Manchester city may dangle micah richards under chelsea ' s nose in a bid to lure winger shaun wright - phillips back to eastlands 曼城可能會以米卡.理查德茲做誘餌,向切爾西換回邊前衛小賴特。

And they turned thitherward , and came to the house of the young man the levite , even unto the house of micah , and saluted him 15五人就進入米迦的住宅,到了那少年利未人的房內問他好。

[ bbe ] crying out to them . and the danites , turning round , said to micah , what is your trouble , that you have taken up arms 呼叫但人但人回頭問米迦說、你聚集這許多人來作甚麼呢。

Read the full text of micah dubinko s o reilly book online , including a chapter on events . you can also order the book from ( o reilly出版)一書,其中有一章是關于事件的,也可以從

Micah richards has handed manchester city a massive boost after declaring he is ready to sign a new deal 彌迦?理查茲在聲明他準備簽署新買賣以后遞給曼徹斯特城市巨大的增加。

And micah said , “ now i know that the lord will be good to me , since this levite has become my priest . 13米迦說,現在我知道耶和華必賜福與我,因我有一個利未人作祭司。

Maybe god ' s people already forgot the prophesy micah said long time ago but these wise men did not 當上帝的百姓忘記了先知的預言,那些對上帝敬畏的博士們并沒有忘記。