
mib =master of international bus...


According to the urgent need to dynamically extend agents , methods about the implementation of extensible agent , including the method to deal with protocols , build the mib frames and apply security models , are introduced in this article 然后,針對代理軟件的擴展需求,文章著重介紹了實現可擴展snmp代理的技術和方法,包括協議處理、管理信息庫的組織以及安全模型的實現等方面的內容。

( 2 ) research on snmp architecture ? ? ? functions , key factors and running mode of network management are presented ; analysis of the snmp ' s architecture and principle , and the structure of management information base ( mib ) ( 2 ) snmp協議的體系結構的研究給出了網絡管理的功能、要素和運行模式;分析了snmp的協議層次、運行原理,以及管理信息庫( mib )的結構和變量表示方法。

In the network management architecture based on snmp , agents play an important role , because they are the source of management information and they take the responsibility to deal with snmp protocol and support the management information base ( mib ) 在基于snmp的網絡管理結構中,代理具有重要的作用,是管理系統的信息來源,它負責處理snmp協議,并提供對管理信息庫的支持。

In chapter three , we study the main parts of snmp framework , which are smi , mib and snmp . snmp ' s version has been developed from 1 to 3 , and the differences among them have been studied 第三章闡述了簡單網絡管理協議框架的三個組成部分:管理信息結構( smi ) 、管理信息庫( mib )和簡單網絡管理協議( snmp ) ,并對簡單網絡管理協議三個版本的內容作了比較。

In addition , the author also introduces how to define managed object mib and designs the flow chart of snmp network management agent software . the author is one of the members of the key research project of chongqing 本文作者參與了重慶市的重點科研項目- cablemodem及其前端系統cmts的研制工作,主要從事這種網絡的網絡管理系統的研究和軟件開發。

At first , i study the main parts of snmp framework , they are smi , mib and snmp . snmp ' s version has been developed from l to 3 , and the studies of their appl ications have also deve1oped 論文首先闡述了簡單網絡管理協議框架的三個組成部分,管理信息結構、管理信息庫和管理信息協議,并對簡單網絡管理協議的三個版本的內容作了比較。

The local network management system can monitor local components through rs - 232 serial interface , and other snmp network management system can manage device remotely through the mib provided by snmp agent 本地網管通過rs - 232串口通信實現對設備的本地管理;其他snmp網絡管理站通過snmp代理提供的管理信息庫( mib )實現對設備的遠程管理。

To network management , higher request is brought forward to extensibility of network device , especially to agent , because these controllable modules may contain their corresponding standard or privately owned mib 由于這些可管理模塊可能包含其相應的標準或私有的mib ,故對于網絡管理,尤其是對代理的可擴展性提出了更高的要求。

The translation mechanism of mib from snmp to tmn is proposed and implemented with c + + method , and as an example , a proxy that allows a tmn - based manager to manage an snmp - based agent via cmip is presented 提出了snmp - tmn委托代理系統中mib轉換的機理及其轉換的c + +實現。在此基礎上,構造了cmip和snmp的委托代理系統。

User must post mib files to them , then they compile and send back well . such mode restricted the flexibility of development . on the basis of the present state , the author analyzed snmp agent Agent + +并沒有提供mib文件的編譯工具程序,需用戶把mib文件郵寄給他們,他們編譯好后再寄回來,限制了開發的靈活性。

The agent software introduced in this article is compatible for various snmp versions . using component models , the agent can extend the mib modules and meet the requirement of new implements 代理軟件采取模塊化的結構,適應多版本協議的要求,可以根據需要擴展所支持的管理信息庫模塊,實現新的應用。

The task of this artical includes below : ( 1 ) design the system general framework , analyze managed objects in mibs we need , design table structure which store these managed objects 研究內容主要包括以下幾個方面: ( 1 )設計系統總體框架,分析mib庫中所需管理對象集,并設計存儲管理對象的數據庫表結構。

In our task , we will combine rough set theory and network fault diagnosis . we can apply rough set algorithm in mib data to find the relationship between mib and network faults 本文把粗集理論與網絡故障診斷結合在一起,把粗集理論的算法應用到mib變量中,以挖掘出mib變量和網絡故障之間的潛在關系。

The main work and innovation points of this dissertation include : 1 . a tmn - mib translator , i . e . , a method of translating the mib structures into c + + codes is designed and implemented 主要工作和創新是:設計并實現了tmn - mib轉換器,即asn . 1 + gdmo描述的文本mib轉換為用具體編程語言實現的mib 。

There has no standard node for hfc access network , then we must extend the current mib tree if we want to manage devices by snmp , such as optic transmitter - receiver , edfa and so on 由于hfc接入網還沒有定義標準的節點,因此,要用snmp對如光端機、光放大器等設備進行管理,必須要擴展原有的mib 。

I have probed into the archetecture of network management , and on the base of it i have analyzed the mib and smi of snmp and the information structure of snmp in detail 探討了對網絡管理的體系結構在此基礎上對snmp的管理信息庫( mib ) 、管理信息結構( smi )和snmp消息結構進行了比較詳細的分析。

At last this algorithm based on rough set , is implemented to remove inconsistent or erroneous mib data , and accordingly concise information of network faults and relative mib data is reserved 最后我們用上述粗集的約簡算法去除mib變量中不一致的和錯誤的數據,并得到與網絡故障相關的mib變量。

Mib distribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - part 4 - 512 : data communication protocols - systems management using profile 61334 - 5 - 1 - management information base 使用配線載波系統的分配自動化.第4 - 512部分:數據通信協議.使用剖面61334 - 5 - 1的系統管理.管理信息庫

Using the algorithm , we can derive out the topological structure by the information in the switch “ s mib , mainly by the information in the mac transmit table 該算法利用snmp獲取交換機mib中的信息,主要根據mac地址轉發表中的信息,導出交換以太網的拓撲結構。