
miami 短語和例子(pl. Miami(s)) n.1.邁阿密〔...


But i let joe have that one in miami 而且邁阿密的那個是我讓給喬的

There is a scent in the air at miami international airport 在m國際機場的空氣中彌漫著香味。

Reprinted with permission of the miami herald 轉載經邁阿密先鋒報許可

We just get “ miami vice “ on television 我們剛看了“邁阿密之罪”節目

So you ' re on this . - very delayed flight to miami . yeah 你要搭就是延誤的飛往邁阿密的航班

There is a scent in the air at miami international airport 邁阿密國際機場洋溢著一種氣味。

I summer here , but i winter in miami 夏天我在這里過冬天我都在邁阿密

Flight attendants , secure the cabin for arrival in miami 空服人員請確保機艙安全準備著陸

This couple drove to miami , florida to be married 這對夫婦開車到佛羅里達州的邁阿密結婚。

Laurie : no , i don ' t . i ' m from miami 勞麗:不,不是。我是邁阿密州人。

Branches in l . a . , atlanta , and miami 洛杉磯,亞特蘭大和邁阿密開連鎖店

Have you ever been to miami , florida 你有沒有去過佛羅里達的邁阿密呢?

There is a scent in the air at miami international airport 邁阿密國際機場上空花香四溢。

Arrived in miami for a summit meeting . . 今天抵達邁阿密參加高峰會議. .

Reprinted with the permission of the miami herald , u . s . a 轉載版權經美國邁阿密先鋒報許可

When you and ryan were in miami , trey and marissa 你和ryan在邁阿密的時候trey和marissa

Listen , i ' m sorry about what happened in miami , okay 聽著,我對邁阿密發生的事情非常抱歉

- give me an address . - miami , east highiand , -給我地址-邁阿密,東高地區

From the deck , looks like we ' re the red - eye to miami 各位,看來我們將隔夜飛行至邁阿密