
mia MIA = missing in action 【軍事】...


Mia i can ' t believe you ' re here . when did your flight get in 真不敢相信你在這你的飛機什么時候到的?

Mia i solemnly promise so to do 我莊嚴的許諾我會這樣做的

May i present my granddaughter mia 讓我來介紹我的孫女米婭

Jeff and mia have a big surprise 杰夫和米雅有一個大驚喜!

Journalist mark shenton looks at the phenomenon that is mamma mia ! , 和別的音樂劇比起來, mamma mia !

Broadway music opera mamma mia 百老匯經典音樂劇mamma mia

I ' m elsie kentworthy , and today ' s topic is princess mia 我是埃爾希?肯特沃希,今天的主題是米婭公主

How are you doing , mia ? settling in fine ? learning who to avoid 你怎么樣,米婭麻煩事都解決了嗎?

And now the queen , with princess mia 現在是女皇,和米婭公主

Mia , mia , would you turn that down 米婭,米婭,把聲音關小點

( mia ) i solemnly promise so to do 我莊嚴的許諾我會這樣做的

Thanks to her treatments in miami , mia is now cancer 但欺騙,主角世代做廣告使用誘使信任的消費者以

Mia , get out of the bath ! you ' ll turn into a prune Mia ,你洗了很長時間了你快把你自己都洗成干了

- mia , look out your window . - why ? what ' s going on -米婭,看看你的窗戶外邊-怎么了?發生什么了?

Mia , look out your window . - why ? what ' s going on 米婭,看看你的窗戶外邊-怎么了?發生什么了?

He went mia once , who ' s to say he won ' t do it again 他曾經一度玩消失,誰敢保證他不再玩一次呢?

- is this my party ? - no , this is princess mia ' s party -這是我的派對么? -不,這是米婭公主的派對

But isn ' t princess mia first in line to ascend the throne 但是米婭公主不是王室的第一繼承人嗎?

Prepare for the arrival of princess mia 米婭公主到了,大家準備