
mi 短語和例子MI =1.military intellig...


Clerk : sure mi . mr . zhang is u tairs 職員:沒問題,小姐。張先生在樓上。

Dong - mi , you should look for a new roommate Dong - mi ,你要找一個新的室友了

The educational evaluation mis model based on web services 的教育評估信息管理系統模型

Children adopted by one daddy a gentleman named mi en ' hua 500孩子一個爹紳士米恩華500

Light , heavy , vc vicinity , mi shallow , bc patches , -輕微大vc附近mi淺薄bc幾陣

Hye - mi is a difficult child . it ' s amazing 惠美是個遲緩兒.真太令人吃驚了

Mis of electronical drawings based on b s 架構的電子圖紙管理系統研究和應用

Computer software of mine safety mis is develop ed 開發了礦山安全管理信息系統軟件。

The design and implement of nutrient food mis 營養餐管理信息系統設計與實現

You fart for me . why do you have to see se - mi 你為我放屁了可你為什么還要去見世美?

Mi - hee ' s death and tae - soo . it ' s all my fault 美喜死了,泰秀又都是我的錯

In this process , mis and gis are seamlessly connected 最后對系統的未來進行展望。

Main technological problems in designing network mis 網絡化中的幾個技術問題

Lee mi - yeon began her acting career in 1989 李美妍于1989年參演一電影入行。

Mi yu qiang , zheng shu wen , zhang hong and et al 宓余強鄭淑文張弘梁樹人李順天曹武奎

Design and implementation of bank collateral mis 銀行擔保品管理信息系統的設計與實現

Mi - sook , were they saying bad things about me 美淑,他們有沒有說我的壞話?

What the hell are you doing ? - mi scusi , mi scusi 你在干嘛? -對不起,對不起

Some key issues in the process of developing mis 管理信息系統開發的幾個問題