
mgm MGM = Metro-Goldwin-Mayer 美國...


A highly efficient numerical algorithm by using multi - grid method ( mgm ) is introduced to solve the three dimensional field distribution in the present paper . formulae of the restriction and prolongation in mgm computation is deduced , and a 3d program of mgm is accomplished , which can solve the field distributions in electron optical systems for various electrostatic lenses . the 3d field distribution in an electrostatic concentric spherical model is tested with mgm algorithm and an algorithm based on finite difference method ( fdm ) respectively . comparing these two results in view of computational efficiency and computational accuracy , it appears that mgm is superior to fdm in solving electrostatic field distribution for the electron optics problem . this paper shows that the 3d field computation using mgm greatly improves the computational efficiency of field distributions in electron optical systems and shortens the computational time 本文將一種高效率的數值計算方法? ?多重網格法引入三維靜電場分布的計算,多重網格法利用限制和延拓可迅速求得滿足精度要求的場分布.研究了求解各種靜電透鏡電子光學系統三維場分布的多重網格法程序,驗算了靜電同心球模型的三維場分布.通過與目前在場計算中常用的有限差分法進行比較,可以看出多重網格法的計算效率和計算精度優于有限差分法.本文表明利用多重網格法計算三維場大大提高了場分布的計算效率,縮短了計算時間,因此為后續計算打下了良好的基礎

This thesis is to present and analyze one class of regularized multi - grid algorithms ( rmga ) for solving operator equations of the first kind . the rmga employs tikhonov ' s regularization to solve the corase grids equations with a new choicing parameter ' s posteriori - method for improving the numerical stability , and adopts a new smoothing strategy to correct the solutions on the fine grids for preserving the high efficiency of mgm . meanwhile , some key technical problems in the process of implementation of rmga are disscussed 本文將提出一類適合第一類算子方程的正則化的多重網格算法,它結合一種新的正則參數選取準則,應用tikhonov正則化來求解粗網格方程保證了求解的穩定性;而在將解向細網格延拓時使用了一種新的光順處理策略。

After lunch , tour at las vegas boulevard to see the beautiful decorative hotels and casinos , such as mirage , mgm , grand , caesars palace , excalibur , new york - new york , monte carlo , bellagio , venetian , aladdin , paris and 2005 brand new hotel “ wynn “ etc . your coach will proceed through the state of arizona and past virgin river canyon to arrive at st . george in the evening 早上出發,沿著圣伯那丁諾森林,進入莫哈比大沙漠,翠綠的約書亞樹,點綴在一望無邊的黃沙中,別有一番情趣。下午在賭城小試身手。隨后由內華達州,進入印第安人最多的亞利桑那州,穿越氣勢萬千的處女峽谷virgin river canyon 。

Las vegas boulevard to see the beautiful decorative hotels and casinos , such as mirage , mgm grand , caesars palace , excalibur , new york - new york , monte carlo , bellagio , venetian , aladdin , paris and 2005 brand new hotel “ wynn “ etc . tonight you may enjoy a famous show or join a night tour to see las vegas night live 紐約紐約蒙地卡羅百樂宮威尼斯阿拉丁神宮巴黎鐵塔及2005全新開幕的摩登大酒店wynn等等,都在我們巡禮之中,傍晚您可自費觀賞精彩的歌舞表演或自費參加拉斯維加斯夜游一探全世界最美麗的夜色之都,夜宿拉斯維加斯。

The infamous las vegas strip is where tourists can enjoy a walk in the warm desert evening and visit the newest and most lavish casinos from bellagio , venetian , mgm grand , the mirage , and others :百樂吉,凱撒宮,金銀島,幻景,海市蜃樓等。巨型賭場內一試運氣,并欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景,猶如天上人間,更可觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演自費。

Broadcast in english with mandarin subtitles , the mgm channel asia brings to the television viewing audience a 24 - hour movie channel with great selections from the world ' s largest modern film library Mgm亞洲電影頻道擁有全世界最大的現代電影資料庫,全天候24小時播放精選英文影片,并附有中文字幕,為電視觀眾帶來不間斷的精彩視聽饗宴。

De la hoya silenced most critics by severely brutalizing and eventually stopping mayorga in their hotly - anticipated showdown tonight inside the mgm grand garden arena 德?拉?霍亞對最大多數的批評家保持沉默;通過激烈、殘酷無情(的方式) ,并且今晚最終,用他們最熱切期盼的火爆,在米高梅大花園競技場終結了馬約加。

The infamous las vegas strip is where tourists can enjoy a walk in the warm desert evening and visit the newest and most lavish casinos from the wynn , bellagio , venetian , mgm grand , and more 由灣區出發前往世界第一大賭城拉斯維加斯las vegas ,可自費參加夜游活動及觀賞歌舞表演。

Tokyo ( afp ) - japanese consumer electronics giant sony corp . said a report that it and a group of investors are negotiating to buy hollywood ' s mgm studios is speculation only 日本消費電器巨頭索尼公司昨天表示有關它與一班投資者正商議收購好萊塢的米高梅( mgm )工作室的報道純屬臆測。

You can visit casinos such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 繼往公園內的各參觀景點,欣賞美麗的紅巖風光,體力好的游客,還可以走上登山小徑,活動筋骨,享受大自然的神奇美景。

Over night at las vegas . or hometown - las vegas arrival in las vegas , please meet your tour guide in mgm grand hotel check - in lobby at 3 : 00 pm 選擇搭機飛往拉斯維加斯的團員,請安排下午2點之前抵達的班機,導游將于下午3點鐘在mgm grand hotel check - in lobby與您會合。

Party girl , ray s last hollywood production , had been conceived by mgm as a vehicle for two of its expensive contract stars , dancer cyd charissa and aging matinee idol robert taylor 而電影就是尼古拉斯.雷。 “至于 ,則是雷氏告別荷李活之作。

Entering the mgm grand , visitors are dazzled by exciting shows , 1 ) gourmet dining , the wonders of an african lion ' s 2 ) habitat and much more 邁進米高梅大飯店,游客們往往會為其激動人心的表演、精美的佳肴、神奇的美洲獅馴養地以及更多的奇景感到眼花繚亂。

Visit the famous chocolate factory of las vegas , the cactus garden , then arrive las vegas and visit luxor , new york casino , mgm and check in by 3 pm 繼而參觀拉斯維加斯巧克力廠以及仙人掌公園,午餐后到拉斯維加斯參觀金字塔賭場, mgm與紐約賭場等。

Authorities at disney - mgm studios have suspended a worker who plays tigger at the theme park for allegedly punching a boy 據稱,在主題公園扮演老虎的一名職員因打了一名男孩,被迪斯尼-米高梅電影制片公司高層暫停職務他那一過程被男孩的父親拍到。

Nos such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 巨型賭場內一試運氣,并欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景,猶如天上人間,更可觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演。

Such as mgm , mirage , bellagio , excalibur circus circus , etc . you can try your luck in the casino and enjoy the show at the same time 巨型賭場內一試運氣,并欣賞彩色繽紛的神奇夜景,猶如天上人間,更可觀賞舉世知名的豪華歌舞表演。

Sony , on the other hand , supports the blu - ray format , as do the movie makers at walt disney , twentieth century fox and mgm 而另一方面,索尼公司、迪斯尼影業公司、 20世紀福克斯影業公司和米高梅影業公司則選擇支持藍光射線格式。

The case , originally brought by mgm , a big hollywood film studio , was joined by 27 of the world ' s leading film and music companies 最初由一個大型的好萊塢電影工作室mgm引發的這個案件共有27個世界領先的電影和音樂公司參加。