
mfn MFN = most favo(u)red nation...


Revocation would curtail contact with the west and strengthen the hard - liners within the chinese leadership who favor less openness . today , chinese employees of u . s . firms in china have direct e - mail access with their colleagues in the u . s . and thousands visit this country each year , gaining exposure to our economy and personal freedoms . this would probably all end if mfn is revoked 有線電視新聞網播出的索馬利亞饑民錄影帶,迫使布希總統派遣海軍陸戰隊前往索國,同樣的說法指出,美軍尸首被索國人在摩加底休大街上高興拖行的畫面,也使柯林頓總統不得不撤回海軍陸戰隊。

These commitments establish china s obligation to permit insurance companies to set up new branches with the same ownership basis as before its wto accession , and on an mfn basis . “ china s accession package will be forwarded for final approval by the wto ministerial conference planned for november in doha , qatar . after approval by the november ministerial conference , china and taiwan will be able to join the wto after their governments formally accept the terms of their accession packages . ( end text ) 阻礙中國加入世貿組織的工作組會議結束的最后遺留問題之一涉及在中國開展業務的美國保險公司的權利。澤奧利克大使說, “中國在1999年做出的承諾在上星期談判達成的最后報告中得到保留和加強。這些承諾規定中國有義務允許保險公司根據中國加入世貿組織以前同樣的所有權基礎和在最惠國待遇的基礎上建立新的分支機構。 ”

Some countries argue that their participation in rtas provides a competitive spur to liberalization at the multilateral level by promoting trade liberalization on multiple fronts , while others may increasingly be drawn into rtas for defensive reasons , as a means of maintaining market access opportunities in the absence of mfn - driven liberalization 因此,本文因應區域貿易協定發展的趨勢、特征和影響,考慮到區域貿易協定與wto的關系,根據我國參加區域貿易協定的現狀及不足,提出我國參加區域貿易協定的戰略與對策。

It also points out the differences between the conditional and the unconditional mfn treatment . then , it compares the mechanism of function under the bilateral trade mechanism with that under multilateral one , and analyze the leakage of the favor . at last , the writer concludes the 11 exceptions of the principle in the wto 然后以雙邊體制和多邊體制進行分析和比較,從而介紹了多邊體制下最惠國待遇原則的運行機制,同時反駁了不少學者提出的“優惠外泄”問題,論證了該問題在多邊與雙邊體制并存的條件下只是一種特殊情況而非普遍情況。

Thirdly , this article discusses the factors of bound , support and same . finally , the writer introduces the classifications of the principle of the mfn treatment . in the part of the development , this article first introduces the origin and evolvement of the mfn treatment 最后介紹了最惠國待遇的四種分類,即“有條件”和“無條件”最惠國待遇、雙邊與多邊最惠國待遇、不以補償為條件和以補償為條件以及以互惠為條件的最惠國待遇、相互給予和單方面給予的最惠國待遇。

We do not agree with the proposed frequency plan ; and we do not think the proposed frequency plan is technically and economically viable . however , if the government decides to press ahead , we agree with the fundamental principle that multiple frequency networks ( mfn ) multiplexes should not be mandated to achieve territory - wide coverage to avoid possible disruption to existing analogue tv services 我們不同意建議中的頻譜規劃,同時不認為建議的規劃在技術上及經濟上有效益。假如政府決定建議之規劃推行,我們認為最基本的原則是不應強制推行多頻網絡數碼頻道( mfn )覆蓋全港,以避免現階段之模擬電視服務可能受到干擾。

She will be awarded the master of economy at ocean university of china in auguest , 2003 . now , she is continuing her research work in the field of investment . the generalized system of preference ( gsp ) is a system that the developed countries give reduction or exemption of customs duty on the basis of mfn tariff rate when they import products from the preference receiving countries 普惠制是發達國家對于發展中國家出口產品的普遍的、非歧視性、非互惠的關稅優惠制度,即當發達國家自受惠國進口的產品符合普惠制原產地規則,并附有來自受惠國的普惠制證書時,發達國家海關將對該批產品在最惠國稅率基礎上給予免稅或減稅。

It is against this backdrop that the debate in congress over mfn renewal and scrutiny of china s efforts to accede to the wto are taking place . indeed , some view the mfn debate as a referendum on our policy of engagement . some have even attempted to cast it as a referendum on china s current policies 貝克后來對我說,他并不是在對士兵們說話,也不是對記者們發言,他其實是只在對一個人說話,那就是坐在巴格達的碉堡里,正在觀看有線電視新聞網的海珊。

A primarily passive role evidenced by the fact that the american press examined as a whole is consistent with the overall government attention and agenda , and specifically with government attention and stands on issues regarding china ' s mfn / ntr / pntr status and gatt / wto entry ; 2 在很大程度上,媒體在外交決策中處于被動地位。這體現在媒體總的報道量和報道內容與美國對華經貿問題的重視程度以及關注的具體問題基本一致。

And because china s politics are in flux , especially during the run - up to this fall s party congress , the withdrawal of mfn would almost surely strengthen the hand of those who have been seeking to fill the country s ideological void with a belligerent nationalism 事實上,柯林頓總統在就任時就已確信,不僅國家安全的范圍必須包含經濟福利,而且美國外交政策的經濟與安全兩部份必須頭并進,才可能成功。

As this group knows , the term mfn is really a misnomer . despite its name , most favored nation status is not a privileged status accorded only to close friends . it is normal trade relations - the ordinary tariff treatment we accord to almost all countries in the world 我曾經想過要把這本書命名為回響,這是因為每回到圖書館都會聽到歷史的回響,發現如今有線電視新聞網效應帶來的問題也早有類似的前例。

Without mfn , many of these opportunities for the long - term opening of chinese society might be closed . this is a concern shared by the china service coordinating office , an umbrella organization of more than 100 christian groups involved in outreach to china 上個月在聯合國,柯林頓總統是第一位簽署全面禁止核試條約的世界領袖,此條約是武器管制史上花費時間最久、心力最多的一項成就。

The united states offers mfn , or ordinary tariff treatment , on a near - universal basis because we fundamentally believe that free and fair trade is the foundation for peace and prosperity - and frequently for democracy as well 柯林頓下令撤離,部份則是因為他使沖突由原先的人道救難任務升高到超出原先設想的范圍,變成搜獵某軍閥,而其支持者對美國人產生反感并施暴。

Recover the spectrums first . when analogue transmission had been switched off , then deploy more frequencies for additional multiplexes of sfn or mfn and allowing more capacity for programme providers and additional services 當模擬輸送終止后,騰空出的頻譜可為節目供應商及附加服務供應商提供更多頻譜容量,以推出額外的單頻網絡或多頻網絡數碼頻道。

In the part of the basic theory , this article first cites three classic definition of mfn treatment , and doubts the definition of gatt1994 , then the writer put forwards his definition 論述之后,筆者提出了自己的譯文。其次,本文從比較國際習慣法和國際條約法入手,分析了該原則的性質,提出并論證了該原則屬于國際條約法的觀點。

This article mainly focuses on the basic theory and the development and transformation of the principle of the mfn treatment , and it also contains the writer ' s opinion on the application of the principle in our country 本文從最惠國待遇原則的基本理論、發展變化及中國適用該原則的構想三個方面較為全面地闡釋了最惠國待遇原則。

Anticipating that in many cases even the mfn rates were prohibitively high , the uraa required member countries to guarantee a prespecified minimum ( de minimis ) market access for each product 因為預見到在很多情況下即使最惠國稅率也依然達到了禁止性關稅的高位,因此烏拉圭回合農業協議要求各成員國保障每種產品的最低市場準入。

And hong kong s leaders agree and have stated publicly that revoking mfn - or approving mfn for a shorter term than one year - would damage hong kong s free market economy and its political autonomy 外交有新的天地,輿論有新的出路,新聞界則面對嚴酷的考驗。最重要的是,領導人必須面對利用新發明的挑戰。

The united states must not undermine hong kong during the critical period of its reversion to chinese authority . that is why hong kong leaders across the political spectrum support the continuation of mfn 基于這個空前遠大的貿易議題,行政部門與國會合作,已在開創新的全球貿易體系方面大有進展。