
mezzo adj.,adv.〔意大利語〕【音樂】中,適中,半。 m...


Vocalists include lu chiung - jung soprano as yao ji , mariolin xu tenor as da yu , yuan chenye baritone as the dragon king , liu yueming bass as the emperor of heaven , and liu haitao mezzo - soprano as queen mother of the west . also taking part are the chorus and dancers from the china opera and dance drama theatre . from germany , peter sykora and friedewalt degen are in charge of set and costumes and lighting respectively 現任布拉格國家歌劇院指揮邱君強,將率領香港小交響樂團為歌劇瑤姬傳奇現場伴奏,參與演出的強勁陣容包括:女高音盧瓊蓉飾瑤姬男高音徐林強飾大禹男中音袁晨野飾海王男低音劉月明飾天帝女中音劉海桃飾西王母,以及中國歌劇舞劇院的合唱團和舞蹈團。

The original score will be performed by the hong kong sinfonietta under the baton of chiu chun - chiang . vocalists include lu chiung - jung ( soprano ) as yao ji , mariolin xu ( tenor ) as da yu , yuan chenye ( baritone ) as the dragon king , liu yueming ( bass ) as the emperor of heaven , and liu haitao ( mezzo - soprano ) as queen mother of the west . also taking part are the chorus and dancers from the china opera and dance drama theatre 現任布拉格國家歌劇院指揮邱君強,將率領香港小交響樂團為歌劇《瑤姬傳奇》現場伴奏,參與演出的強勁陣容包括:女高音盧瓊蓉(飾瑤姬) 、男高音徐林強(飾大禹) 、男中音袁晨野(飾海龍王) 、男低音劉月明(飾天帝) 、女中音劉海桃(飾西王母) ,以及中國歌劇舞劇院的合唱團和舞蹈團。

This paper design a kind of slot - coupled microstrip antenna using genetic algorithm combined within cst vba macro language environment which is used to optimize the slot size . a set of mezzo datum are obtained . the optimized antenna manifests its practicability 本文利用遺傳算法并結合cst軟件的vba宏語言,對另一種微帶天線的縫隙尺寸進行了優化,使天線各項性能指標比較合理,優化和測量結果顯示其實用性較好。

This unique and novel performance brings together the talents of the internationally - renowned french national riding school , classical musicians and a mezzo - soprano opera singer . the prestigious event was held at the hong kong coliseum on may 12 to 14 , 2000 在這項新穎獨特的表演中,觀眾欣賞到國際知名的法國國家騎術學校的精彩表演,以及香港管弦樂團和女中音歌唱家的超卓才華。

For customer who consuming any kind of coffee or tea in bar mezzo is privileged to have 1 slice of free homemade cake ( please check out our exhibit - freezer ) , and free refill of your ordered coffee or tea for o ? nce 即日起凡于迷著酒吧消費享用香醇咖啡或茗茶之賓客皆可免費享用一款主廚特制甜品蛋糕(可于蛋糕展示柜中任選一片)并可享免費續杯一次之優惠。

Because of the arithmetic having considered the annotation width and the degree of curvature of curve , the distribution of height annotation more even , the arrangement more order and the amount more mezzo of contour 由于該算法同時考慮了注記寬度和曲線的彎曲度,因而與其他算法相比,等高線高程自動注記分布均勻合理,排列整齊,數量適中。

The instrument , which comes in three sizes : soprano , mezzo soprano and alto , is especially popular in the northwestern and northeastern parts of china . it is also widely used in the accompaniment of various regional chinese operas 它的體積雖小,但聲音高吭而嘹亮,流行于東北華北和西北各區,許多地方戲曲都用它作主要的伴奏樂器。

Its sound box is covered with a thin ply of wood . the instrument , which comes in three sizes : soprano , mezzo soprano and alto , is especially popular in the northwestern and northeastern parts of china 它的體積雖小,但聲音高吭而嘹亮,流行于東北華北和西北各區,許多地方戲曲都用它作主要的伴奏樂器。

Wei wei is a famous mezzo soprano singer in china . her free , open , powerful voice is distinguished in the music community 著名歌手,是國內樂壇少有的女中音,開闊寬廣的聲音,中氣十足且具有爆發力。

Mezzo marketing hk ltd . - on / offline advertising , expresso email solutions , intelligent datamart and call center services 網上多媒體廣告發布,策劃和解決方案服務

Long tones in the low register , with your best tone and keeping the sound at mezzo - forte level 低音區長音,用你能夠達到的最好的音準,用中強力度。

“ you know how imperfectly the women of the mezzo cito 1 are educated in italy ? “你知道意大利中產階級的婦女所受的教育是多么欠缺嗎? ”

Mezzo sovrano pi 再添半金鎊”

The appropriate tune for fire information display interface was mezzo - soprano 在消防監控界面中,語音信號的適宜語聲為女中音。

Yang jie , mezzo soprano 女中音:楊潔

Mezzo soprano : chrisy o 女中音:鄂以倫

Female singers are classified as sopranos , mezzo - sopranos and contraltos 女歌手分為女高音、女低音和女中音。

Elizabeth batton , mezzo soprano 女中音:伊麗莎白巴頓

A woman having a mezzo - soprano voice 女中音歌手有次高音嗓音的女子