
mezzanine n.(底樓與二樓之間的)夾層(樓面);(戲院的)樓廳包廂...


In the last few years , our country “ s risk investment development is very quickly , but it still be placed in the lower stage , and a lot of vc company be lack of experience , and face the item of the different development stage , such as : seed period , startup period , expand period , mezzanine period , the company usually adopting a valuation process and system , which ca n ' t obviously adapt to evaluate the numerous vc project 近幾年,我國的風險投資業發展很快,但還處于發展的較低階段,很多風險投資公司缺乏經驗,面對處于種子期、創立期、成長期和成熟期不同發展階段的項目,往往只采用一個評估流程和體系,顯然不能適應多類別項目的評估要求。

Application guide and form can be obtained at the support and consultation centre for smes on the mezzanine floor of trade and industry department tower , 700 nathan road , kowloon ; the public enquiry service centres of all district offices ; hkpc building , 78 tat chee avenue , kowloon ; the website of the do it 申請指引及表格可于九龍彌敦道700號工業貿易署大樓閣樓中小企業支援與諮詢中心、各民政事務處諮詢服務中心、九龍達之路78號香港生產力大樓索取;亦可從doit !運動的網頁(

The magnificent hall posses 96 luxurious guestrooms per set . it includes chinese food dining room , tea bar and various kinds of repast mezzanines . the hotel also includes large council chamber , small council chamber , commercial center , chess and card room , feetbath , hairdressing and markets . it equipped with center air - conditioning , integrated wiring , the computer management system , international 酒店大堂富麗堂皇,擁有豪華客房96間套。設有中餐廳茶吧及風格各異的餐飲包廂。酒店同時設有大小會議室及商務中心棋牌室足浴美容美發商場等配套設施。

The main business and the risk characteristics will be different in different stages of venture development . we use the domestic pandemic law of five phases seed , starting - up , growth , expanding and mezzanine to research the law of non - state - owned science and technology venture enterprises ’ risk . the external and internal environment of non - state - owned science and 本文還選取了吉林大學科技園某民營科技創業企業作為實例,運用文中提出的評價方案,對其風險狀況進行分析與評估,并將本文所述控制策略應用于該公司,為其風險控制提出了具體的應對措施。

Voc is an investment , education , and consulting services company that incorporates a private mezzanine debt fund ( “ voc fund ” ) , and an american and chinese university network designed to streamline the financing , development and discovery of emerging commercial opportunities in china , and between china and the united states Voc是一家投資、教育、咨詢服務機構,而且,我們組合了一個基金會( “哈佛中國基金會” ) ;哈佛中國基金會是美中兩國大學間的一個聯系網絡,使得在中國產生商業融資的機會;哈佛中國基金會在中國和美國之間形成順利發展的,流線型的合作關系。

We are based in new york , our team focuses principally on investing in mezzanine finance transactions which generally include debt and equity participation in the form of subordinated debt and warrants , preferred stock and equity co - investment 美國愛爾賓公司位于紐約,我們的隊伍集中精力投資夾層金融業務,一般來說,包括債務或以從屬債務和授權、優先股和股份共同投資的形式參股。

It is a leading independent investment manager dedicated to the purchase of interests in venture capital , buyout , mezzanine and other private equity funds from existing investors seeking liquidity 美國威爾沃德公司是主要是一家獨立的投資管理者,致力于從現存的尋找流動資金的投資者手里收購風險資本、買下、夾層資本和其他的私募股權投資基金。

We are an approximately $ 100 million mezzanine fund with offices in kansas city and dallas that provides capital for businesses to finance later stage growth , strategic acquisitions , ownership transitions , and recapitalizations 美國杉哥資本合伙人公司是一家大約擁有1億美金夾層基金的公司,設在堪薩斯州和達拉斯州。

However , the dialogue stopped at about 6 . 25 pm and police officers and firemen broke into the hut . they found the man tying himself and his three children together on the mezzanine floor 但是,對話于晚上約六時二十五分停止,警務人員及消防人員于是破門入屋,于閣樓發現該名男子把自己及其三名子女綁在一起。

The professionals of ours have successfully arranged over $ 1 . 5 billion in financing including : senior secured debt , unsecured debt , equipment leasing , mezzanine financing , private institutional equity , etc 15億的金融投資包括:高級擔保之債、非擔保之債、固定資產契約、夾層資本、私有機構股份。

Our professionals have over 100 years of experience in mezzanine lending , private equity investing , mergers and acquisitions , consulting , and operations management 美國雪松風險公司的專家到現在為止,已經有100多年如下方面的經驗:夾層貸款、并購、咨詢和運作管理。

Taking into account the height of the rooms , it was decided to divide the upper space into two mezzanine floors joined together by two bridge - corridors 根據房間的高度,決定將上部空間分割出來作為隔層,由兩根橋廊連接。

Mezzanine capital for leveraged acquisition and recapitalization including manufacuring , consumer products and services , business services 調節收購和重組的夾層資本投資的行業包括:制造業、消費品和服務、商業服務。

We are a private mezzanine venture capital fund which invests in the subordinated debt and equity of privately held companies 資本股份有限公司是夾層資本合資公司,我們給私下企業提供負債和股份投資。

Mezzanine capital for growth in a range of industries including busines and information services , technology , software and telecom 夾層發展基金投資的行業包括:商業和信息服務、技術、軟件和電信。

Bridge / mezzanine financing for a company expecting to go public usually within six months to a year 種子投資為希望在6個月到1年的期間內公開上市的公司進行融資,以支付上市準備期間所發生的費用。

To facilitate the extend of industry bus such as compactpci , pmc ( pci mezzanine cards ) is developed 為了便于compactpci等工業總線的擴展,制定了pmc ( pcimezzaninecards )卡規范。

The plans submitted to the council are for a two - storey triangular - shaped building with an intermediate mezzanine floor 提交議會的規劃是一幢附有中層樓的兩層三角形建筑。

Furniture . domestic use fixed platform mezzanine beds . safety specifications and tests . part 2 : test methods 家具.家用固定板夾層床.安全要求和試驗.第2部分:試驗方法