
meyerhof Meyerhof , O. 梅爾霍夫〔1884-1951...


First , the generalized elastic theory is employed into in single pile analysis . the degeneration solution is accordant with poulos “ results . analyzing the load - displacement behavior of the battered pile , the results agree well with meyerhof ' s model experiments and zhanglm ' s centrifuge experiments 對于直樁,退化為彈性理論的計算結果同poulos的結果一致,退化為荷載傳遞法與他人的結果基本吻合;然后研究了斜樁的荷載-變形特性,把公式用于計算meyerhof的模型試驗以及zhanglm的離心機試驗的荷載-位移關系,發現同試驗結果吻合較好。

Meyerhof - hanna method to estimate the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations on two - layered subsoils was improved 在此基礎上總結、歸納出了符合實際的,在不同條件下適用的承載力計算模式。

Nobel : medicine : otto fritz meyerhof 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎

Meyerhof ' s ultimate bearing capacity formula 梅耶霍夫極限承載力公式