
mexico n.1.墨西哥〔拉丁美洲〕。2.墨西哥〔墨西哥州名〕。3...


L ' m in mexico taking pictures for the exhibition 我為了個人展覽現在在墨西哥拍照片

And mexico city is the biggest city in the world 墨西哥是世界上最大的城市。

Mexico is major nesting area for the reptiles 墨西哥是這類爬行動物的主要筑巢地。

Mexico , india or turkey cannot be sure either 墨西哥,印度或土耳就更不能肯定了。

He is a hot commodity in mexico city 曼紐爾?基羅斯在墨西哥城是個有名氣的人。

No , no , montezuma was in mexico , not peru 不,不,芒特祖瑪在墨西哥,不是秘魯

The hurricane has headed to mexico ' s baja peninsula 該颶風已前往墨西哥巴哈半島。

My mother kept us in mexico as long as possible 她讓我在墨西哥盡可能呆久一點

San diego mexico 4 - day bus tour san diego mexico 4 days 圣地牙哥墨西哥sf四日游

Mexico is developing a kind of cactus remedy diet 墨西哥開發仙人掌療效食品。

Blue bear in mexico games - 4455 miniclip games 藍熊在墨西哥攻略- 4399小游戲網

Yeah , this is going to be awesome - mexico , baby 是啊,這肯定會很酷-墨西哥寶貝

Thousands of ships enwombed in the gulf of mexico 數千艘的船深藏在墨西哥海灣中。

A year ago , a ufo crash - landed in new mexico 一年前,一架ufo墜毀在新墨西哥州

I live in china , but my home is in mexico . 我住在中國,但我的家鄉在墨西哥。

And they are wading across the river illegally into mexico .非法渡河到墨西哥

Chinese embassy in the united states of mexico 中華人民共和國駐墨西哥合眾國大使館

1989 camilo jos cela spain 1990 octavio paz mexico 1990年奧克塔維奧帕斯墨西哥

And it is beginning to feel like winter in mexico city 新墨西哥的冬天真的來了。