
mewl n.(嬰兒等的)低哭聲。vi.低聲哭泣;(貓)咪咪地叫。


Just as shiki is about to open the next door , for a moment he sees the next room full of freshly severed cat heads , mewling plaintively at him 就在志貴要把下一扇門打開的時候,在一瞬間他看見下一個房間放滿了剛剛切下來的貓頭,正向他哀傷地啜泣。

Nah , can ' t be . shiki ' s legs tremble . straining his eays , he hears the mewl of a distant cat 不是,不可能的。志貴的腿在發抖。伸長了耳朵,他聽見了遙遠的貓的啜泣聲。

Where are you ? you mewling half - bakes 你們在哪兒?你們這些小兔崽子