
mew MEW = microwave early warnin...


The completely new way pours the fresh blood into chinese teaching , which will be a mew focus in chinese teaching reform 這種全新的學習方式為語文學科教學注入新的血液,它將成為語文教學改革的一個嶄新亮點。

You ' d better get up and take a walk in the garden . it ' s better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom 你最好還是起來到花園里去散散步。這比整天把自己關起來躺在空氣混濁的病房里要好些。

Nothing was stirring except a bridled , grey cat , which crept from the ashes , and saluted me with a querulous mew 沒有一點動靜,只有一只斑紋灰貓從灰燼里爬出來,怨聲怨氣地咪唔一聲向我致敬。

They descend upon the little london mews store selling one - of - a - kind japanese bowls that no one else yet knows about 他們下降在小的倫敦喵喵叫賣沒人,知道的一樣一個的日本碗的商店。

The paper analyzed the conditions , reasons and importance of this mew view of the war of resistance against japan 這種新抗戰史觀的形成有其特定的條件、原因與意義,值得關注。

She blinked up out of her avid shameclosing eyes , mewing plaintively and long , showing him her milkwhite teeth 他望著它那深色眼縫貪婪地瞇得越來越細,變得活像一對綠寶石。

Our enterprise is based by strong technical power and developed ability for mew products 生產的產品廣泛應用于工業電器、電子元器件、醫療設備、汽車電器的制造。

The cat mewed in answer and stalked again stiffly round a leg of the table , mewing 貓兒回答了一聲“瞇” ,又繃緊身子,繞著桌腿兜圈子,一路瞇瞇叫著。

“ deep ? “ mewed the cat . “ does that mean what i think it does ? we cannot go there ! “很深? ”貓喵喵叫著: “意思是我認為的那么深?我們不能去那兒! ”

A cat mews 貓喵喵叫

Mew , my lord “喵喵叫!

The mew exploration for talent foster way of higher agricultural specialized education 高等農業專科教育人才培養方向的新探索

Innovation vs . tradition : philosophical meditations upon the threshold of the mew century 馮友蘭先生關于傳統與現代化的思考

Female anger not language , male booth advocate say again : your mew is very white 女怒不語,男攤主又說:你的咪咪好白呀!

The cat mewed to him 貓兒朝他喵喵叫著。

We heard the mew of a cat 我們聽到貓叫聲

The analysis of high - risk factors in 32 cases of mew - infant with hearing disfunctions 新生兒聽力障礙的高危因素分析

Mew : you make good couple 你們真的天生一對!

While he unwrapped the kidney the cat mewed hungrily against him 當他打開那包腰子時,貓兒貪饞地朝他喵喵叫起來。