
metropolitan adj.1.首都的;主要城市的。2.大主教教區的。3.宗...


Metropolitan government buildings - tokyo metropolitan government 東京都廳大廈-東京都

Map of surrounding area - tokyo metropolitan government 周邊交通圖-東京都

April : new tokyo metropolitan university begins operations 4月:首都大學東京開始運營

Kanda used book festival - tokyo metropolitan government 神田古書節-東京都

Safety and security in tokyo - tokyo metropolitan government 東京的安全與安心-東京都

Tokyo international anime fair - tokyo metropolitan government 東京國際動漫節-東京都

Metropolitan museum of art . how may i help you 首都藝術博物館請問有什么可以幫忙的

Organizational structure of the tokyo metropolitan government 東京都廳的政府組織結構

Light - up with the olympic colors - tokyo metropolitan government 點亮奧運色彩-東京都

Protecting the environment - tokyo metropolitan government 環境保護-東京都

Development and construction of japanese metropolitan circles 日本大城市圈的開發建設

Administrative areas of tokyo - tokyo metropolitan government 東京的行政區域-東京都

Sister cities states of tokyo - tokyo metropolitan government 東京的姊妹城市-東京都

2007 : in los angeles metropolitan and san diego areas 2007大洛杉磯地區。

System innovation of metropolitan governance in china 中國大都市區管治中的體制創新

Tokyo leading the nation - tokyo metropolitan government 東京引導國家的未來-東京都

Metropolitan areas and the economic growth of u . s . a 論大都市區與美國經濟增長

Governor s policy speeches - tokyo metropolitan government 知事施政方針演說-東京都

Tokyo metropolitan government consultation service for foreigners 東京都外國人咨詢