
metrology n.計量學[制];度量衡學[制]。


Journal of astronautic metrology 宇航計測技術

Discussion on the acupuncture technique of yang ji - zhou from the metrology angle 從計量學角度探討楊繼洲針刺手法

Metrology amp; measurement technology 計測技術

Metrology measurement technique 計量與測試技術

Honored bureau of standards , metrology and inspection iso 9002 certificate 榮獲經濟部標準檢驗iso 9002認證通過。

Vocabulary of metrology . guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement 計量學詞匯.測量的不確定性表述指南

Document metrology analysis of 的文獻計量學分析

The applications of computer ' s parallel interface in metrology and measurement 計算機并行接口在計量測試中的應用

Apmp asia pacific metrology program 亞太計量程序

Demand on optical metrology test for the novel highenergy laser weapons 新概念高能激光武器對光學計量檢測的需求

Apmp : asia pacific metrology program 亞太計量程序

Metrology amp; measurement technique 計量與測試技術

To review work of the third class medical metrology station in our hospital 對我院醫學計量三級站工作的回顧

Metrology grating technology . technical requirements for grating bar of glass 計量光柵.玻璃光柵尺.技術要求

Application of optical metrology technique in moon exploration project 光學計量技術在月球探測工程中的作用

Aplmf asia pacific legal metrology forum 亞太法定計量論壇

Development of military medical metrology and its role in hospital 軍隊醫學計量的發展及其在醫院的作用

The technique of metrology of well on shengli offshore chengdao oilfield 勝利海上埕島油田油井計量技術

Set up of radiation metrology tansfer system and its new development 光輻射量值傳遞系統的建立與新發展