
metrical adj.1.韻律的,格律的;詩的。2.測[度]量(用)的...


In precision length measurement , the environmental factors will not only cause the length variation of the measured object , but also influence the characteristic of laser ’ s measurement system and other metrical tools . thereby the measurement result is considerably influenced and it makes the precise measurement no sense 在精密長度測量中,測量環境溫度的變化不但會使被測件的長度發生變化,而且還會影響激光測量系統,量塊等測量工具的特性參數,給測量結果造成較大的影響,使精密測量失去意義。

The former has to be operated in a complex way , while the latter has a tendency to charge too much or not enough , greatly affecting the accuracy of the observation data . moreover , both drive observers so hard that they have to read the metrical data of glass and thermometer , before finding out the proper net lifting force through manual work 前者操作復雜,后者容易造成充氣不足或過多,影響觀測數據的準確性,而且這兩種方法都需要觀測人員讀取氣壓計和溫度計的測量值,再經過人工查表得出氣球應具有的凈舉力,工作量較大。

Abstract : based on the objectivity of space , time and their measuring , the author gives a ideal experiment of space and time measuring , educe the difference between true time and metrical time ( this difference results from the finity of light speed ) , thus proves the relativity between metrical time and true time and the relativity between given reference points , gives the express formulas of relative velocity 提要:從時空及時空度量的客觀性、絕對性出發,通過具體的空間、時間測量理想實驗,導出測量時刻、時間與客觀時刻、時間的差異(這種差異的根源在于光速傳播的有限性) ,從而說明測量時刻、時間對于客觀物理量及不同參照點的相對性,給出了客觀勻速直線運動的相對速度表達式。

Therefore , the paper establishes the parallel computing platform and meets the demand of computing resources for large eddy simulation . it also studies the integration of cad / cam , grid generation system and cfd system , and brings the model computed in the paper into this system . on the bases of systematical and thorough numerical simulation researches in circular cylinder and the compares between instantaneous piv metrical results and numerical results of circular cylinder , the paper obtained some problems and several conclusions which should be noticed in les for making correct computatioa finally , by using these experiences and conclusions above and by putting them into an actual problem in engineering - optimized numerical simulation of static mixer , this paper achieved the turbulent high - level numerical simulation technique , i . e . , system atical attempt in engineering application by les method 為此,搭建了微機并行計算平臺,解決了大渦模擬對計算資源要求;對cad cam 、網格生成與cfd系統集成進行研究,并將論文中所要計算的模型納入到此系統內;在對圓柱繞流問題進行了系統和深入的數值模擬研究和對圓柱繞流瞬態piv測量結果與數值計算結果進行比較工作基礎上,得到大渦模擬方法正確計算所需要注意問題和若干結論;最后利用以上得出的計算經驗和結論,通過對一個實際工程問題? ?靜態混合器優化的數值計算,完成了cfd中湍流高級數值模擬技術? ?大渦模擬方法工程應用的系統嘗試。

In the second part , the detailed design is brought forward . ccd imaging theory is expatiated , the concrete optical route is designed and analysis on choosing the main accessory is given . in the drive device system , detailed design on metrical element is processed and analysis on choosing the other accessories is given 首先提出了該測量儀的整體結構設計方案和主要組成部分,詳細設計中的ccd的選用、光柵的選擇、以及機械結構設計部分; ccd成像原理,完成了測量光路部分的具體設計;最后給出了整個測量的過程。

With difference from the way that traditional methods perform by accumulating the frequency of keywords . we propose a new metrical function that employs the rs - based entropy by comparing function values to measure the feature of web pages . besides , according to the unstructured and heterogenous characteristics of www , the effect of hypertext tags to keywords “ weigh has been taken into account to obtain the most effective keywords for document classification 有別于傳統的對關鍵字頻度進行累加的方法,本文提出了基于信息熵的文本關鍵詞測度函數,通過對關鍵詞函數值進行比較,獲取對文本分類最具影響性的關鍵詞序列;同時,針對web上異質、非結構化信息的特點,該分類算法還考慮了超文本標記對關鍵詞權值的影響。

In this paper , after analyzing the actuality of civil industrial automation control system and researching the hiberarchy and transport protocols of the metrical control network based on fieldbus in detail , we designed a universal metrical control platform suitable for small - scale real - time applications which require high reliability based on can bus 本文詳細分析了我國工業自動化控制的現狀和現場總線的發展情況,在針對以現場總線為底層的測控網絡系統的層次結構與傳輸協議進行了詳細研究后,提出了一種基于can總線,適合于小規模、高實時性、高可靠性要求應用環境的通用測控平臺,并完成了通用測控平臺的總體設計。

In the practice application , the project ? the large dam secure supervising and measuring system of taipu brake , which the penman participated himself , is introduced in detail , which includes the system synopsis , the definition of the pressure , the crack , the horizontal displacement and the vertical displacement , the compare of diversified measuring methods , the choice of the instruments and the configuration of the instruments , the system network topology configuration , the collocation of various metrical dots and instruments “ demarcating and testing , the system software and the application software , the communications between the intelligent instruments and the primary interfaces of actual system 在實踐應用方面,詳細介紹了筆者親自參與實施的工程? ?太浦閘大壩安全監測系統,包括系統簡介,揚壓力、裂縫、水平位移和垂直位移的定義,各種測量方法的比較,儀器的選型以及儀器的結構,系統的網絡拓撲結構,各測點的布置以及儀器的標定測試,系統軟件和應用軟件,智能儀器與上位機的通信,實際系統的主要界面。為了論文的完整性,介紹了大壩安全監測專家系統。

Interviewer : it would be easy to talk about your poetry as a link between , say , frost and younger metrical writers , but a case can be [ end page 40 ] made for your work actually being connected to ezra pound ' s “ make it new , “ in that your poems are metrically innovative , not using traditional forms much 不難看出你的詩是弗洛斯特和年輕一代的格律詩人中間的一環,但你的詩在格律上自成一格,傳統格律用得不是很多,因此又可以說你的作品符合龐德“日日新”的詩論。

Used as ring - down cavity , this stable resonator has , firstly , more influence of misalignment of cavity mirrors on its measured reflectivity , but less of length misadjustment ; secondly , shorter cavity length which advantageous in engineering ; finally , less diffraction loss and thus higher metrical precision 結果表明,這種穩定腔用作衰蕩腔,測量結果受腔鏡角度失調影響較大,而受腔長失調影響小;其長度較短,便于工程應用;衍射損耗較小,測量精度高。

Finally , the electro - circuit of hardware and flow chart of software is designed respectively . the test proves that the new developed transformer terminal unit has higher metrical veracity , reasonable control scheme and reliable performance , and the original object is attained 對研制裝置的測試證明,新開發的配變監控終端測量精度較高,控制方法合理,西安理工大學碩士學位論文性能可靠,達到預期目標。

To design and research the synthetically measure instrument of crank shaft , this paper discusses the construction of metrical project , the way to realize it . the designing of software and hardware . the method of adjusting and the successful result are described 本文從曲軸綜合測量儀的設計、研究出發,詳細論述了曲軸綜合測量方案的組成、實現的途徑以及軟件、硬件的設計思想,調試方法和運行的結果。

The metrical system of the canine original , which recalls the intricate alliterative and isosyllabic rules of the welsh englyn , is infinitely more complicated but we believe our readers will agree that the spirit has been well caught 狗的這首原詩在韻律上使人聯想到威爾士四行詩那錯綜的頭韻法和等音節規律,只是要復雜多了。然而我們相信讀者會同意,譯文巧妙地捕捉了原詩的神髓。

The universal metrical control platform connects the upper computer and the can bus via can communication interface card , actualize the data conversion between can and other kind buses via conversion card 通用測控平臺通過can通訊接口卡將上位機連接到can總線,使用轉換卡實現can總線接口與profibus 、 rs485 / 422 、 rs232等總線接口之間的數據轉換。

In the project of mechanical structure , we bat around the error and metrical way of crank shaft , describe the elements of the synthetically measure instrument of crank shaft and the way to realize it 在機械部分中,我們對曲軸的公差要求以及各項公差測量的方法進行了詳細的分析,講述了整個量儀設備的工作原理、工作過程以及機械設計的實現方案。

The network provides researchers with a still more convenient metrical instrument for social science research and evaluation research . it also contributes to a more accurate and more objective metrical means 在社會科學研究與社會科學評價研究里,網絡給研究者提供了更便利的計量工具,也促成了更準確、客觀的計量方法。

The errors caused by environment factors during the comparable measurement of leaf photosynthesis are big especially in the morning and evening , and increase rapidly along with extension of the metrical duration 對比觀測中環境因子日變化造成的誤差很大,尤其表現在早晨和傍晚,且隨觀測持續時間的推移而急劇增加。

The difference of bi - syllable and tri - syllable between modern chinese and ancient chinese makes the realization impossible of metrical pattern of neo - poetry 但現代漢語與古代漢語的根本差別,即雙音節與單音節的差別,最終促使現代漢語取代了古代漢語,新詩取代了古詩,使新詩固定的格律最終成為不可能。

To assure the parameters of power supply which is able to be measured accurately , and to assure that some electronic equipments and metrical apparatus can work well , there must be a stable voltage 摘要為保證電光源性能指標的準確測量和某些電子設備、測試儀器的準確工作,外加電壓必須穩定。