
metope n.【建筑】排檔間飾。


Construction ministry “ housing project quality guarantees method “ made lowest guarantee to housing project the regulation of deadline : among them 1 , foundation foundation project and project of main body construction , to design the reasonable use fixed number of year of this project that the file sets ; 2 , the waterproof project , toilet that has waterproof demand , room mixes the building outside of metope prevent leakage , for 5 years ; 3 , heat addition and supply cold system , for 2 heating period , offer cold period ; 4 , electric cop , to catchment conduit , equipment installation is 2 years ; 5 , decorate a project to be 2 years 建設部《房屋建筑工程質量保修辦法》對房屋建筑工程作了最低保修期限的規定:其中1 、地基基礎工程和主體結構工程,為設計文件規定的該工程的合理使用年限; 2 、房屋防水工程、有防水要求的衛生間、房間和外墻面的防滲漏,為5年; 3 、供熱與供冷系統,為2個采暖期、供冷期; 4 、電氣管線、給排水管道、設備安裝為2年; 5 、裝修工程為2年。

This product select our own made to measure “ 889 gypsum ” and “ 888 gypsum ” as basis material , and adding the special material . be usd widely to top gade building suspended ceiling 、 metope decorationfire protection 、 noise insulationwater 、 water resistant and good appearance , high strength , hard to distort , light and thick weight and artistic pattern texture clearly , be able to nail 、 saw 、 dig 、 affix etc and which is best choice for environmental protection dressing material 本產品采用本公司特制的“ 889石膏粉”和“ 888石膏粉”為基材,添加所需的特種材料精制而成;廣泛適用于高檔房屋室內吊頂、墻面裝飾,具有防火、隔音、耐水及美觀、強度極高、不變型、體重輕,薄且藝術圖案紋理清晰,可釘、鋸、刨、粘貼等優點,是環保飾材的首選。

The macao venetian , of about 2 , 000 , 000 , 000 dollars , was invested by las vegas sands inc and located on golden light avenue , with a occupational area about 10 , 500 , 000 square meters , and the roof and metope are steel structures with sculpts 澳門“威尼斯人”工程,是由美國拉斯維加斯金沙集團股份有限公司,投資二十億美元興建,該工程位于澳門路?金光大道,占地面積一千零五十萬平方尺,其中頂部、墻面都采用鋼結構材料表面加造型。

Local metope can put chic furniture to do an ornament , if corridor places china , classic a few cases , flower is worn or many bottles of western - style ark , can put a thing to do partition again 局部墻面可以擺放別致的家具做點綴,如過道放置中國古典的幾案、花架或西式的多斗柜,可以放東西又做了隔斷。

Our printing pictures , our exhibition products and the metope and light trunk which set up by us are now spread all over the cantonal , suburb and super markets of shanghai 我們噴繪的畫面,我們設計制作的展示產品,我們施工安裝的墻體,燈箱,遍及上海市內,市郊及超市賣場等領域。

The flooring needs to be installed after all the examinations of the below projects : conceal project , suspended ceiling project , metope project and water electricity project 首鋪的三排地板是確定整個地板安裝的基準,正確安裝可以使地板鋪裝達到最佳狀態。

Every floor area presses face of truncat of seeper of the metope outside building plinth above to calculate 每層建筑面積按建筑物勒腳以上外墻面積水平截面計算。

Fix plastics base and metal base on the metope with st4 . 2 screws 用st4 . 2螺絲將塑料底座和金屬底座一塊固定在墻面上。