
metonymy n.【修辭學】換喻,轉喻〔如用 crown 表 king...


We hold that discoursal coherence is also realized by some deep / implicit cohesive ties and that the cognitive principles like iconicity , cognitive metaphor and cognitive metonymy have a great bearing on the construction of discoursal coherence in such a deep / implicit manner 本文作者認為,語篇的連貫性遠不止表現在這些方面,同時還受到深層隱性的銜接方式的制約,主張象似性、認知隱喻扣認知轉喻等主要認知原則制約著語言運用的深層次連貫性,或者說,是實現語篇連貫的重要的深層隱性銜接手段。

Contained within this paper , the logic of metaphor , simile , and metonymy are illustrated and the concepts of gestalt , context and layer in encoding aspects are introduced and suggested is a new model to clarify the cognitive distance between encoding and decoding 在編碼方面,本文以科學的態度?清暗喻、明喻、轉喻等文學名詞的定義,并介紹完型、脈絡、層次等編碼時應加注意的觀念;在解碼方面則提出一個新的模型架構來解釋編碼和解碼之間的認知距離。

We can thus explain what de man means by “ assimilations of rhetorical transformations or combinations to syntactical , grammatical patterns ” with reference to the coexistence in structuralist theory of patterns of both metonymy ( which is syntagmatic ) and metaphor ( which is paradigmatic ) 那么我們就可以用結構主義理論所說的轉喻(組合關系的)和隱喻(聚合關系的)的共生來解釋德曼所說的“修辭轉換或連接對語法類型的同化作用”的意義了。

It reveals that this asymmetry is in essence a kind of “ grammatical metonymy “ , which contains three important notions : edible feature as the exclusive or main feature ; inanimate or weak animate ; high salience 這一轉喻的成立有三個條件,即動物名詞所指稱的對象必須具有: ( 1 ) “可食用性” ,且“可食用性”特征是其唯一的或主要的功能特征; ( 2 ) “無/低生命度” ; ( 3 ) “高顯著度” 。

On the basis of the previous classification on lexical reiteration made by linguists , this paper tries to study these lexical devices : repetition , synonymy , antonym , general word , hyponymy , and metonymy 本文在綜合各種詞匯復現分類的基礎上,深入探討了重復、同義、反義、泛指詞、上下義、整體一部分、等詞匯復現方式,主要分析他們在語篇中的各種交際功能和文體功能。

Polysemy is realized on the basis of image schema by the means of metaphor and metonymy , and it expands from the basic meaning to the extended meanings , with those extended meanings having close relations with each other 一詞多義現象是在一定的意象圖式的基礎上,借助隱喻和轉喻模式實現的,是由基本詞義向其它詞義的引申,而且多義詞各義項之間相互關聯。

“ quan “ “ sun “ ( legendary aromatic grasses ) analogy of kings , core artistic imagery in the aromatic grass and beauy tradition in chu ci , nearly becomes the metonymy for the god of ciming ( life - control ) and kings of chu kingdom 摘要以“荃” 、 “蓀”喻君是楚辭香草美人傳統中的核心藝術意象,幾乎成為楚辭中司命之神與楚王的專門指代。

Jakobson , roman . 2002 . the metaphoric and metonymic poles [ a ] . in : dirven , rene and ralf p ? rings ( eds . ) . metaphor and metonymy in comparison and contrast [ c ] . berlin / new york : mouton de gruyter 胡家巒譯.現代主義小說的語言:隱喻和轉喻[ a ] .呂同六.二十世紀世界小說理論經典[ c ] .北京:華夏出版社, 1995

The effect - for - cause and cause - for - effect metonymies present the two - way feature of a general metonymical pattern 原因代表結果、結果代表原因之轉喻顯示出概括性的轉喻概念模式之雙向特色。

This paper is intended to examine metaphors and metonymies for anger inherent in contemporary english idioms 摘要本文旨在探討當代英語中表達怒氣之習語固有的隱喻與轉喻概念。

Second , causality metonymy is by far the most productive model that english idioms of anger reflect 第二,就表達怒氣之英語習語而言,因果轉喻是嚴具生產力之概念模式。

Sen zi s poems : narrative metonymy 讀森子的詩

Analysis of metonymy ' s cognitive mechanism from the view of conceptual integration 概念整合視角下的借代認知機制

Metonymy and its impact on efl teaching 轉喻與外語教學

Check for similes , metaphors , metonymy and synecdoche 看看有沒有明喻、暗喻、轉喻和提喻。

The role of metonymy in the formation of euphemism 委婉語構成方法研究

Metonymy using in the name structure in the 語義場稱名結構中換喻的使用

Study on metonymy in chinese modifier - noun phrase 漢語定中短語轉喻探微

But ( a big , big but ) metonymy is not a grammatical category 轉喻并不是一個語法范疇。