
methoxide n.甲醇鹽;甲氧基金屬;甲氧化物(= methylate...


Afterwards , the remnant lactic acid in lactide was measured by non - aqueous titration with sodium methoxide and the remnant water was surveyed by karl - fisher method . the melting point was investigated by thiele tube and the characteristics of lactide were analyzed by ir , uv spectrum , tg and dsc respectively 然后,用甲醇鈉非水滴定法測定丙交酯中殘存乳酸,卡爾-費休法測定丙交酯中殘存水的含量,用提勒管測定精制丙交酯熔點,用紅外吸收光譜、紫外光譜、差熱分析對合成的丙交酯以及回收的丙交酯進行表征。

The experimental results showed that when sodium methoxide were joined , the yield of methyl carbamate as a intermedium was clearly increased . , and even made clearly that the reaction was divided into two steps 實驗表明,通過引入少量的甲醇鈉,使中間產物氨基甲酸甲酯的產率有明顯提高,進而表明尿素醇解是分兩步進行的。

In the function of sodium methoxide , several factors effecting on alcoholysis of urea by zinc oxide catalyst were obtained 探討了在甲醇鈉作用下,氧化鋅催化尿素醇解的影響因素。

Determination of content of sodium methoxide and its solubility in tetrahydrofuran by micro - titration 微量滴定法測定甲醇鈉含量及其在四氫呋喃中的溶解度

Sodium methoxide powder 99 % min 粉末狀甲醇鈉