
methodist n.1.【宗教】衛理公會教徒。2.〔m-〕〔蔑稱〕在宗教...


We also visited over 20 hospitalized victims at the baptist medical center , the university of alabama at birmingham hospital , and the carraway methodist medical center 我們造訪了浸信教會醫院阿拉巴馬大學伯明罕醫院與凱拉威衛理公會醫學中心的二十多位住院治療的受難者。

A midland , texas native , laura bush holds a ba from southern methodist university and an ma in library science from the university of texas at austin 在中部的德克薩斯州,勞拉畢業于得克薩斯大學,獲圖書館學碩士學位。此外她還獲得了南曼瑟迪斯特大學的農學學士學位。

Midland , texas native , laura bush holds a ba from southern methodist university and an ma in library science from the university of texas at austin 在中部的德克薩斯州,勞拉畢業于得克薩斯大學,獲圖書館學碩士學位。此外她還獲得了南曼瑟迪斯特大學的農學學士學位。

Other major denominations include seventh - day adventists , anglicans , christian and missionary alliance groups , the church of christ in china , methodists , and pentecostals 其它主要教派包括復臨安息日會、圣公會、宣道會、中華基督教會、衛理公會和五旬節會。

“ when the kids come in , they ' re always apprehensive about physics , “ says fredrick olness , chairman of the physics department at southern methodist university 孩子進來上課時,總是對物理學感到恐懼,美南衛理公會大學的物理系主任費德列克歐尼斯如此解釋。

We would like to thank montgomery college and the woodlands methodist church for their help . we also thank our teachers and parents for their invaluable support 希望老師們和家長們繼續支持、幫助我們,使林子中文學校越辦越好;讓我們共同努力,弘揚中國文化。

Methodist seniors home was formed to provide the senior citizens with an environment conducive for community living and , at the same time , caring for their health and quality of life 憩苑開設的目的《為老人提供一個群體生活環境,同時給予生命和生活關懷》 。

In central johannesburg the methodist church has become a refuge for about 1 , 000 people , most of them zimbabweans 在約翰內斯堡城中心地區,衛理公會派教堂已經成了一個為大約一千人提供住所的避難所,而他們大多數時津巴人。

Amy grew up in lubbock , texas , and graduated cum laude from southern methodist university with a fine arts degree in art history in 1975 畢業于南方圣公教大學,獲歷史學士學位。 1997年婚后搬到俄克拉何馬市。

And today rick warren is blessing millions of people . there is also the worlds largest methodist church in seoul , korea 現在他成了千千萬萬人的祝福,位于韓國漢城全球最大的循道會,還有很多很多。

Southern methodist university ( smu ) in dallas will enjoy the dubious honour of being host to george bush ' s library 位于達拉斯的南循道宗大學( smu )將享有這個擁有喬治.布什圖書館的可疑的榮譽。

I was studying theater at southern methodist university in dallas and feeling anxious and uncertain about my future 我在達拉斯的南方衛理公會大學學習戲劇專業,對未來感到憂慮和不安。

52 . official languages authentic chinese text the methodist church , hong kong , incorporation ordinance order 52 .法定語文中文真確本香港基督教循道理聯合教會法團條例令

She looked forward to the occasional visits of the minister , robert ayers , who was a methodist circuit rider 她盼望著衛理公會教派騎馬巡回的羅伯特?埃亞牧師的偶然造訪。

The church of christ in china and the chinese methodist church supported trinity theological college , singapore 自一九五七年起,崇基學院已開設宗教教育及神學科目。

Missionary work ' s character and influences of american methodist episcopal church in suzhou during late qing period 晚清美國監理會在蘇州傳教活動的若干特點及影響

On the 31st march 2007 , at 8p . m . , seremban chinese methodist church held a combine memorial service 2007年3月31日晚上八時正,我們舉辦聯合紀念先人禮拜。

It is part of the community service efforts of seremban chinese methodist church 憩苑著重生活品質,學習空間與建立關系,經濟上以樂捐和補貼方式進行運作。

She has always been deeply religious , and even contemplated becoming a methodist minister 她還一直是個虔誠的信徒,甚至考慮成為一名衛理公會[ 4 ]的牧師。