
method n.1.方法,方式;順序。2.(思想、言談上的)條理,規...


This method has quite a few drawbacks . 這種做法弊病不少。

Lily's methods were more delicate . 麗莉的手腕要高明得多。

Everyone has his own method for gaining time . 每個人都有他自己捱時間的方法。

There's a technical gap in the army's method . 陸軍的方法在技術上有一個漏洞。

This strip method has been critically examined . 這種條帶方法已被苛刻地檢驗。

Development is the method of human progress . 人類進步的方法乃在于推陳出新。

This method was used to prepare specific alkanols . 此法已用于制備特殊烷醇。

Both methods are difficult for the patient . 這兩種方法對病人來說都很痛苦。

This method is not as violent as it sounds . 這種方法并不象聽起來那樣可怕。

My methods of discipline are short . 我執行紀律是斬釘截鐵的。

The heat-sink method has a fast warm-up time . 滲熱法預熱快。

We shall study these methods and the language . 我們將研究這樣方法和術語。

That 's an inefficient and expensive method . 這種方法差而貴。

They had safer methods of testing drugs . 他們有了檢驗藥物的更可靠的方法。

One hurts oneself by such methods . 人將為此種方法而自己受害。

The two methods can be used alternately . 兩種方法可交互使用。

I don't trust our own crude methods . 我們這種土辦法我信不過。

The finite-element method is the most versatile . 有限元法是最有用的方法。

You will find little system in his method of work . 他的工作方法無甚條理。