
methionine n.【生物化學】蛋氨酸,甲硫氨酸。


At mean time , we have studied on the characteristic of proteinase and make sure the suitable condition and influencing factor of deacetylase function . usin g the technology of immobiolized cell , the utlization of deacetylase have been increased deeply and lower production cost . the half deline period is more than 20 days and the production of l - methionine is above 75 % 采用固定化細胞技術,使酶的利用率得以大幅度提高,固定化細胞酶活的半衰期達20天以上,可連續拆分使用生產24天, l - met產率可達75以上。

Acetylornithine deacetylase is the key enzyme of producting l - methionine . we mainly do research work on the construction of acetylornithine deacetylase gene - engineering strain and characteristic of proteinase . in order to get high expression deacetylase strain , we obtain the gene by pcr arge gene . the product ( 2800bp ) was cloned into puc19 plasmid and confirmed with blue / white dot screening > restriction enzyme analysis and pcr . then taking the nucleotide sequencing compared with the sequence at blast of u . s . a . we constructed a high expression of gene - engineering strain - pxj 128 which containing the arge gene on the high expressing system of pxji18 with activity of acetylornithine deacetylase above 20000u / g 為了獲得高效表達的脫乙酰鳥氨酸酶工程菌株,在工程菌技術改造及其固定化研究做了進一步的研究和探討。我們采用基因工程技術,通過pcr技術擴增出了酰化酶關鍵酶基因?脫乙酰鳥氨酸酶基因arge ,將其克隆到puc19載體中,經酶切鑒定、 pcr鑒定篩選出重組陽性質粒,并測序鑒定,通過美國blast程序進行了基因數據庫相似性比較分析。

Calli were induced from internode segments of the methionine resistant plantlets of astragalus melilotoides . the highest yield of protoplasts ( 2 . 1 x 106 / g f . wt . ) was obtained from 8 - day - old friable calli after subcultured on fresh medium 用草木樨狀黃芪甲硫氨酸抗性變異系植株莖切段誘導的松軟愈傷組織為材料,通過酶法分離出大量有活力的原生質體。

Our selling list includes methionine from degussa , lysine from dacheng , changchun , minerals from lonmon and chuanheng , imported single and complex vitamins , microelements , enzymes , and other medical feed additives 主要經營德國德固賽蛋氨酸、長春大成賴氨酸、四川龍蟒、川恒礦物質、進口單項和復合維生素、微量元素、酶制劑以及各種藥物飼料添加劑等。

By contrast , l - methionine increased the level of methylation and thus reduced the expression of the gene in animals with loving mothers , and led to fear , anxiety and a heightened response to stress 與之相反, l -甲硫氨酸增加了甲基化水平,從而減弱了正常老鼠中糖皮質激素受體基因的表達,導致了恐懼、焦慮和對壓力的強烈反應。

S - adenosyl - l - methionine is an important metabolic intermediate in organism , which is involved in many biochemical reactions . its therapeuctic usage could be extensive and varied S -腺苷甲硫氨酸( s - adenosyl - l - methionine ,簡稱sam或adomet )是生物體內重要的中間代謝物質,參與多種生化反應,具有廣泛和多樣的治療作用。

Chlorella contains all eight essential amino acids ; its amino acids content is comparable to that of animal - derived protein , except that it has a slightly lower amount of methionine 綠藻的魅力,主要在于它含有的葉綠素,是一般綠色植物的4倍,經光合作用產生營養素的能力是其它植物的10倍,相當驚人。

High frequency of shoot differentiation was obtained from the protocalli on differentiated medium . the regenerated plants still preserved resistance to methionine and ethionine 原生質體再生的植株仍然保持對甲硫氨酸的抗性,同時對乙硫氨酸表現交叉抗性。

This research is a part work of the “ 863 “ international project - “ the technique of producing l - methionine by gene - engineering strain of immobilization cell “ 本項研究是國家“ 863 ”中試項目“工程菌固定化細胞生產l ?蛋氨酸技術”的部分基礎研究工作。

The consensus that diets low in methionine and devoid of choline and folate are sufficient to independently induce tumor formation , primarily in the liver 已經達成共識,低蛋氨酸或缺乏膽堿和葉酸的飲食足以獨立地誘發腫瘤,以肝臟為主要靶點

In nov . 2004 , a state - of - art l - methionine production facility with 350 tons capacity per annum was launched 2003年,新的注射級氨基酸精制生產車間建成并投入運行; 2004年11月,世界領先的年產350噸的甲硫氨酸生產車間建成并投入運行。

Relation between proliferation and methionine - enkephalin production of the peripheral blood lymphocyte from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus 系統性紅斑狼瘡患者外周血淋巴細胞增殖反應與其產生甲硫氨酸腦啡肽的關系

Influence of methionine - depletion and its combination with chemotherapy in an experimentation on human primary gastric cancer cells 甲硫氨酸缺乏及聯合化療對人原代胃癌細胞的影響

The vitamin b12 requirements appear to depend upon the levels of choline , methionine and folic acid in the diet 維生素b12的需要量決定于食品中膽堿、蛋氨酸以及葉酸的含量。

Effects of methionine on seed germination , growth of cucumber seedling and flowering of detached cucumber cotyledon in vitro 幼苗生長及離體子葉成花的影響

Determination of liquid methionine hydroxy analogue in feeds - high - performance liquid chromatography 飼料中液態蛋氨酸羥基類似物的測定高效液相色譜法

All amino acids except methionine and tryptophan are specified by two or more codons 除蛋氨酸和色氨酸外的所有氨基酸可根據兩種或兩種以上基碼確定。

Cysteine a sulfur - containing amino acid synthesized from methionine and serine 半胱氨酸:由甲硫氨酸和絲氨酸合成的含硫的氨基酸。

Methionine side chain 甲硫氨酸側鏈