
methinks vi.〔無人稱動詞〕〔古語〕我想,據我看來(= it s...


“ truly , friend ; and methinks it must gladden your heart , after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness , “ said the townsman , “ to find yourself , at length , in a land where iniquity is searched out , and punished in the sight of rulers and people ; as here in our godly new england “真的,朋友,我想,你在人跡罕到的地方歷經劫難之后, ”那個鎮上人說, “終于來到我們這塊敬仰上帝的新英格蘭,心里一定挺高興的這里的一切罪惡都要當眾揭發出來,在長官和百姓面前加以懲罰呢。

There can be no outrage , methinks , against our common nature - whatever be the delinquencies of the individual - no outrage more flagrant than to forbid the culprit to hide his face for shame ; as it was the essence of this punishment to do 依我看來,無論犯有何等過失,再沒有比這種暴行更違背我們的人性的了,其不準罪人隱藏他那羞慚的面容的險溺用心實在無以復加而這儈洽是這一刑罰的本意所在。

And may she feel , too - what , methinks , is the very truth - that this boon was meant , above all things else , to keep the mother s soul alive , and to preserve her from blacker depths of sin into which satan might else have sought to plunge her 而且她可能也感受到了我想恰恰如此上帝賜給她這個孩子,尤其意味著,要保持母親的靈魂的活力,防止她陷入罪惡的更黑暗的深淵,否則撒旦還會設法誘惑她的!

“ yes ; but i added , to help you it would be sufficient that dant s did not marry her you love ; and the marriage may easily be thwarted , methinks , and yet dant s need not die . “對了,就是我附帶說一句,我幫你的忙,只要唐太斯娶不到你所愛的那個人就算了,我看,那件事是不難辦到的,只是不必非把唐太斯置于死地。 ”

Whom , when sickened with the praises of all other men , i could daily betake myself , and be known as the vilest of all sinners , methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby 能夠讓我在受到別人贊揚得難過的時候,隨時到他那兒去一下,讓他知道我是一切罪人中最可恥的,我想,這樣我的靈魂或許還可得以生存。

It is not perchance a french compliment ? mr o madden burke asked . tis the hour , methinks , when the winejug , metaphorically speaking , is most grateful in ye ancient hostelry 奧馬登伯克先生問道, “打個比喻吧,我認為現在正是古老客棧里的那只酒甕使人覺得無比樞意的時刻哩。 ”

Methinks i have seen just such figures , when the sun has been shining through a richly painted window , and tracing out the golden and crimson images across the floor 我想,當陽光穿過五彩繪就的窗戶在地板上反射出金黃和緋紅的形象時,我看到過這樣子的人物。

Said the first poet , “ methinks i see with my third eye the fragrance of this wine hovering in space like a cloud of birds in an enchanted forest . 第一位詩人說道: “我似乎用我的第三眼,看到這美酒醇郁的香氣在空中彌漫,就像一群飛鳥翩躚于一片迷人的林間。

Ghost of a mother - thinnest fantasy of a mother - methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son ! and now , 在我看來,一個母親的幽靈一個母親的最淡漠的幻影也會對她兒子投以憐憫的目光吧!

But methinks , dear sir , you look pale ; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore for you 可是我看你的樣子很蒼白,親愛的先生看來你在荒野中的這次旅行過于疲憊不堪了。

Hmm . apes that evolve into something humanlike ? pretty unlikely , methinks 約翰遜:嗯,類人猿進化成和人類一樣?我想不太可能。

Iago . what an eye she has ! methinks it sounds a parley of provocation 伊阿古她的眼睛多麼迷人!簡直在向人挑戰。

Methinks thou art too late ! 我認為你來得太遲了! ”

Methinks , gentlemen , we need inquire no further ! 依我看,諸位先生,我們無需再問了。 ”