
methadone n.【藥學】美沙酮〔一種鎮痛藥〕。


The training workshop on methadone treatment for hiv prevention is meant for health professionals who are involved in ( or planning to develop ) methadone treatment programmes for achieving hiv prevention in countries in south east asia and the pacific , and that the priority is given to potential participants from china , indonesia , nepal and india 工作坊是為有意(或計劃設立)在東南亞及太平洋地區國家推行美沙酮治療在愛滋病預防之應用計劃的醫療專業人士而設;而中國、印尼、尼泊爾及印度的參加者會被納入為優先考慮之列。

The ams members are mobilized to assist in the scenes of major epidemics such as floods , landslides , collapsing of buildings and contagious diseases etc . the non - emergency services provided by the ams include first - aid coverage in country parks , major public functions and activities . moreover , the ams members will provide paramedical supports to hospitals , dressing stations of the fire department , methadone clinics and non - emergency ambulance services to meet the needs of the public . what medical benefits will the ams members are entitled to 在遇有發生緊急事故時,如水浸山泥傾瀉屋宇倒塌和傳染病等,醫療輔助隊的隊員會開赴現場,進行搶救而在平日,各隊員亦會奉派到郊野公園大型的群眾集會活動當值此外,亦會到醫院執行輔助護士的工作,到消防處救護站美沙酮診所及非緊急救護車服務,為市民提供各類急救護理服務。

In addition , the department of health operates 24 medical establishments in the district , among which are general out - patient clinics , maternal and child health centres , student health centres , woman health centres , elderly health centres , methadone clinics , dental clinics , and specialist out - patient clinics , thereby providing comprehensive medical and health services to the public 此外,區內有24間衛生署轄下的普通科門診部、母嬰健康院、學生健康中心、婦女健康中心、長者健康中心、美沙酮診所、牙科診所及其他專科門診部,為市民提供完善的醫療保健服務。

Opium , morphine , heroin , methadone , narcotic analgesics , cannabis , lsd , cocaine , ketamine , gamma hydroxybutyric acid ( ghb ) , amphetamine ( e . g . methylamphetamine , ecstasy , phentermine ( duromine ) ) , benzodiazepine ( e . g . chlordiazepoxide ( librium ) , midazolam ( dormicum ) , estazolam , flunitrazepam ( rohypnol ) , triazolam , nimetazepam , diazepam ( valium ) ) , zopiclone , barbiturate ( e . g . quinalbarbitone ) , methaqualone ( mandrax ) , hallucinogen , depressant , stimulant or tranquillizer (俗稱綠豆仔) 、咪達唑侖(俗稱藍精靈) 、舒樂安定、氟硝西泮(俗稱十字架) 、三唑侖、硝甲西泮、安定(俗稱羅氏五號、羅氏十號) ) 、佐匹克隆、巴比士酸鹽(如速可巴比妥、甲?酮(俗稱忽得) )及其他迷幻劑、鎮抑劑、興奮劑及鎮靜劑。

Apart from these , the new recruits will receive training on the following : disaster medical assistant course , home nursing course , driving training , the application of radio communication equipment , leadership training , management course , life saving , management of methadone clinic course , etc 除上述訓練外,本隊隊員亦會因工作上的需要,而可能獲得下開訓練:災難醫療助理課程救護學駕駛無電通訊器的使用,領袖訓練管理學課程一般拯溺美沙酮診所管理課程等。

The non - emergency services provided by the ams to the community include an ambulance transfer service ; first aid training ; first aid coverage at country parks , major public functions and fund raising activities ; and the daily manning of 21 methadone clinics 醫療輔助隊為市民提供的非緊急服務包括:非緊急救護車載送服務,急救訓練,在郊野公園、大型公眾活動和籌款活動場地提供急救服務,以及派員前往衛生署轄下21家美沙酮診所當值。

The department of health provides a wide range of health services in the district , including an elderly health centre , a chest clinic , a methadone clinic , a student health centrespecial assessment centre , a social hygiene clinic and 3 maternal and child health centres 衛生署在區內設有多項健康服務,包括長者健康中心、胸肺科診所、美沙酮診所、學生健康服務中心健康評估中心、社會衛生科診所各1間,及3間母嬰健康院。

Director of health dr lam ping - yan , chairman of the advisory council on aids dr homer tso wei - kwok , and two members of the advisory council , visited the sham shui po methadone clinic to review the daily operations of a methadone clinic in hong kong 衛生署署長林秉恩醫生、愛滋病顧問局主席左偉國醫生及顧問局兩名成員于三月十九日視察深水?美沙酮診所,實地了解美沙酮診所的日常運作。

The operation , codenamed “ grandroom “ , was mounted with an aim to combat a street level drug trafficking syndicate operating outside a methadone clinic in the district by officers of the special duty squad and crime unit of wong tai sin district 黃大仙警區特別職務隊及刑事人員,展開了一項代號為宏宮的行動,旨在打擊在區內一所美沙酮診所外販毒的集團。

You know the effect that addiction has had on your life . here s the opportunity to gain a start free from the chains of heroin addiction or methadone addiction in a completely confidential and caring atmosphere 至于戒毒成功與否的關鍵是戒毒者及家人必要意識到毒癮復發的必然性,對病者熱熾輔導,從旁作深切監控及防范,提高警? ,遠離毒品圈套,而安渡戒毒難關。

Currently , members of the ams are assisting the department of health in running all methadone clinics . their duties include administration , nursing , accounting , shroffing , dispensing and other related clinical tasks 目前,醫療輔助隊隊員正協助衛生署管理所有美沙酮診所,工作包括行政、護理、會計、收費、配藥及診所內其他有關事務。

Currently , members of the ams are assisting the department of health in running all methadone clinics . their duties include administration , nursing , accounting , shroffing , dispensing and other related clinical tasks 目前,醫療輔助隊隊員正協助衛生署管理所有美沙酮診所,工作包括行政護理會計收費配藥及診所內其他有關事務。

Ams members assist the department of health in administering the daily running of 20 methadone clinics throughout the year . besides , it commits to augmenting the regular medical and health services whenever necessary 本隊除了協助衛生署管理美沙酮診所全年的日常運作外,還會在有需要時,致力增援正規的醫療衛生服務。

During the operation , a pack of suspected ketamine , about 50 grams of no . 4 heroin , some marked money , utensils containing traces of methadone and some drugs injection paraphernalia were seized 行動中,探員檢獲一包氯氨酮、約五十克的四號海洛英、少量劃有記號的現金、曾經盛載美沙酮的器具以及一批吸食毒品工具。

In the above situations , if patients cannot go to their registered clinics due to transport difficulties , they can go to the nearby clinic for treatment , bringing along their methadone treatment cards 在以上情況,病人如因交通問題,未能前往其登記診所服藥,可帶同美沙酮治療咭,前往附近一間美沙酮診所接受治療。

The medical and health department launched the methadone treatment scheme for the rehabilitation of drug addicts . ams members assisted the department in manning 25 methadone clinics in hong kong 醫務衛生署推出美沙酮療毒計劃,醫療輔助隊隊員被調派至全港25間美沙酮診所當值,協助醫務衛生署管理診所事務。

You have taken the time and effort to reach this site , then you already have the motivation to break free from your addiction to narcotics such as heroin , methadone etc 若你愿付上時間和努力找尋這個網站,這已代表你有決心遠離那會毀你一生的毒品如海洛英,美沙酮等。

Methods : patients were recruited according to the criteria for methadone maintenance made by china national experts ' group , and the treatment results were analyzed 方法:按照國家工作組規定的人組標準,收治自愿參加美沙酮維持治療試點的患者,對受治者進行問卷調查。

You have taken the time and effort to reach this site , then you already have the motivation to break free from your addiction to narcotics such as heroin , methadone etc 你愿付上時間和努力找尋這個網站,這已代表你有決心遠離那會毀你一生的毒品如海洛英,美沙酮等。