
meth n.〔美俚〕甲安非他明〔一種興奮劑 = methamph...


The idea of complex formal derivatives is generalized from scalar to vector and ma - trix at first , then the manipulation rules of complex formal derivatives are derived systema - tically . as a mathematical tool , it is useful in the study of certain theory and numerical meth - od in electrical engineering problems 網友解答:將原來僅限于標量的復形式導數,推廣到復向量和復矩陣的范圍,并系統地導出了復向量和復矩陣形式導數的運算法則;為電機工程的某些理論和計算方法的研究,提供了一個有力的數學工具。

Abstract : on the basis of discussion to computer modeling meth ods and some basic models for air quality modeling , three basic computer models s uch as fdm 、 aftox 、 isc3view are analyzed , some basic questions should be consider ed in air quality modeling for terminals in china are approached 文摘:在對大氣環境質量計算機模擬方法和基本模式討論的基礎上,分析了常用的三個基本計算機模式fdm 、 aftox 、 isc3view的使用范圍與邊界條件等,對中國港口大氣環境質量計算機預測模擬應用和應注意的一些問題進行了研究和探討。

Abstract : genetic algorithms are such search and optimization meth ods , which have recently developed to stimulate the mechanism of natural evoluti on . these methods are based on those of natural evolution , and are powerful in fin ding the global or near global optimal soultion of optimization problems . the ki nds of optimization methods have found application and have shown to be of great promising . this paper systematically introduces some fundamental aspects of the optim ization methods , including their theories , methods , implemintation techniques and s om e common probelms related to their applications , together with a concise survey o f their application status in several fields 文摘:遺傳算法是模擬生物進化機制新發展起來的一種搜索和優化方法,它是基于自然進化機制并且在尋找目標函數或在目標函數附近解決優化問題.遺傳算法已在許多領域得到應用,并顯示出良好的發展前景.本文介紹了一些優化方向的基本問題,包括理論、方法、實現技術以及應用中的普遍性問題,對其應用前景進行了展望

In our opinion , the algorithms proposed for the single resource model and and model can be reduced to the resource node dependent ( rd ) and the resource node independent ( ri ) meth - ods , and the algorithms proposed for the or model and the and model can be re - duced to the initial node reduction ( ir ) and the neutral node reduction ( nr ) methods 在我們看來,在已提出的算法中,為單環和多環檢測所設計的算法可被歸納為資源管理節點相關( rd )和資源管理節點無關( ri )兩類,而為結檢測設計的算法可被歸納為起始點歸約( ir )和中間結點歸約( nr )兩類。

Abstract : the object - oriented methodology is newer mehtod in the software development . this paper depicts how to use object - oriented meth odology to develope the iwk production sale mangment system . it gives the object - oriented concept and uses them to get the model of the system 文摘:面向對象技術是當前較為先進的軟件開發方法.本文描述了一運用面向對象技術實現iwk生產銷售管理系統的系統分析,并結合面向對象理論形成分析模型

A matbemat ic model combi ni ng task manager and carri er mdnklger l s establ ished to improve the di spatching efficiency . a rcki l ll1 ( ) dc l ca1 cu ldt ing val idates that genetic algori thm is dn et ' fect ive meth ( ) d l ' ( ) r a ( i / d i s pkl t c h i ng 針對車輛調度的調度效率問題,建立了將任務調度和車輛調度相結合的數學模型,采用遺傳算法對模型進行求解,驗證了遺傳算法是一種有效的agv線路調度算法。

Methamphetamines ( meth ) produce more potent , longer lasting and more harmful effects to the central nerous system than other members of the amphetamine drug class at comparable doses , according to the national institute of drug abuse 脫氧麻黃堿效果更強,對中樞神經系統較其它安非他明藥物相比,相當劑量下,效果更強持續時間長,這好似國家藥物濫用研究所的報道。

Abstract : the effect of the components of the ( meth ) acrylates on the properties of both the copolymers and the dry films are studied . the other factors , e . g . exposure time , photoinitators , and active monomers , are also discussed 文摘:研究了(甲基)丙烯酸酯各組份對成膜樹脂及抗蝕干膜性能的影響,并就曝光時間、光敏引發劑品種、活性單體對干膜性能的影響也進行了討論。

The effect of the components of the ( meth ) acrylates on the properties of both the copolymers and the dry films are studied . the other factors , e . g . exposure time , photoinitators , and active monomers , are also discussed 研究了(甲基)丙烯酸酯各組份對成膜樹脂及抗蝕干膜性能的影響,并就曝光時間、光敏引發劑品種、活性單體對干膜性能的影響也進行了討論。

In iimom , the general concept of model parameter vector , which refers to the parameter vector determined by the designer in the multi - objective optimization model ( such as the weight vector in the weighted - sum meth 在mom中,給出了模型參數向量的一般概念,表示多目標優化模型中需要由設計者設定的參數向量(如加權系數法中的權重向量) 。

Although these methods have their advantages respectively , there are some disadvantages in tracing efficiency , network flux control , communication security and subagent callback for these meth ods more or less 這些方法各有所長,但本身在追蹤效率,網絡流量控制、通信安全性和子agent的回收等方面都或多或少存在一些不足。

The anionic polymerization of alkyl ( meth ) acrylates , as well as the synthesis of different polymers and their applications were reviewed with 38 references 摘要綜合分析了近年來有關(甲基)丙烯酸烷基酯負離子聚合所取得的成就,包括該類單體對負離子聚合的意義、聚合難點和解決辦法。

In this study , we had paid much attention to pls regression , included theory , meth od and application in healthy and medicine researches 本研究對偏最小二乘回歸理論與方法以及在衛生與醫學研究中的應用進行了相關探討和研究。

All the experiments are made in a wavelet , “ db1 “ , in the article . in addition , the technical parameters in sofm arithmetic meth 在本文中列舉了大量實驗結果,導致這些結果的技術參數在文中進行了詳細描述。

Give me my meth 交出我的貨

Example shows that the meth od given is more conform to the fact 通過實例計算表明,此論文給出的方法比傳統方法更符合實際。

The meth are inside them 貨都在里面

The rhyme was meth and it went this way yo , we took a test to become an mc 懷抱著你脫下的外套不肯放下一點點馀溫將我融化

You need weed , you need meth - - hey , you need prozac , i ' m your man 你想要大麻,想要冰毒- -或者想要百憂解,找我就對了