
meterage n.量度,測度;用度費用。

metered mail

But the development of modern control theory and technology of computer and meterage change the people “ s long notion of passive control and vibration reducing on rotating machanism . that is using modern control theory to active control the rotor bearing system . and then to change the design technique radically as to abstain the vibration accident 現代控制理論和計算機技術與測量技術的發展,改變了人們長期對旋轉機械被動隔振和減振的觀念,即用現代控制論的思想,對轉子-支承系統的振動主動的進行控制,從而在根本上改變設計方法,有效地避免振動事故。

The article tells of design and realization of pstn intelligent supervision and meterage system emphatically and brings forward general design of pstn intelligent supervision and meterage system in the first chapter including work principle of system , structure . choosing type of flowmeter , rs - 232 , rs - 485 transmission standard and i2c bus technique are introduced simply in the second and third chapter . the fourth chapter introduces data transmission in telephone network , puts important on adsl , the fifth chapter discusses the pstn material realization of system including choice of chip , design of circuit principle chart and sofeware 本文著重講述了pstn智能監測系統的設計與實現,其中第一章提出了pstn智能監測系統的總體設計,包括系統的工作原理、組成結構;第二章、第三章分別對系統中采用的流量計的選型, rs - 232 、 rs - 485傳輸標準及i ~ 2c總線技術加以簡單介紹;第四章介紹了電話網中的數據傳輸,重點講述了adsl ;第五章探討了pstn監測系統的具體實現,包括芯片的選擇、電路原理圖的設計、軟件設計。

Measuring using water intelligent supervision and meterage system completes real time supervision and meterage of irrigation area branch and trench passing water quantity , long - distance communications and synthesis information management by applying telemetering technique , computer technique , communications technique and so on , which provides efficient guarantee for irrigation works department measure and water resource attemperment management 計量用水智能監測系統應用遙測技術、計算機技術、通信技術等完成灌區支流渠系過流水量的實時監測、遠傳通信和綜合信息管理,為水利部門計量和水資源調度管理提供了有效保證。

Firstly , the paper studies radio direction finding theory , and makes comparison among the existing direction finding systems . it also puts forward the ideas of an advanced short - wave monitor and meterage system to satisfy requirement , and introduces the research emphasis of the paper 首先,對無線電測向理論進行了研究,比較了現有的小基礎測向設備,為了進一步提高測向精度和速度,提出了一種新型的短波監測設備的研制設想,并對本文的研究重點做了介紹。

Combined with the newly developed short - wave monitor and meterage system , the paper gives a thorough investigation on short - wave diffuse theory , radio direction detecting technology , dsp theory , software radio theory , ect 本文結合自行研制的新型短波監測設備,對短波傳播理論、無線電測向技術、數字信號處理理論和軟件無線電理論等進行了深入研究,并將其應用于設備中。

This master thesis aims at developing a natural gas meterage , management and remote monitoring system with distributed hierarchy , which is based on the rs - 485 bus and the modbus plus network in pc in the field 本碩士論文致力于研制一套分布式總體結構的基于rs - 485總線和微機上實現的modbusplus網絡的天然氣計量管理與遠程監測系統。

The system , which is oriented to the application to the stations of natural gas , is designed to meet data acquisition , meterage , management and remote monitoring in the supervising center 該系統定位于礦區與輸配氣站的應用,實現對各輸配氣站的數據采集、計量、管理及在管理中心的遠程監測。

As to the mobilization process , research on meterage and optimization of the capacity of chinese financial mobilization , is a research on basic theory which pertains to the mobilization seedtime 就動員過程而言,財政金融動員能力的量化與優化研究屬于動員準備階段,是一項基礎理論研究。

Irrigation district water - measuring is the important method and guarantee of practising using water planly , assignment accurately , using irrigation water equably and meterage 灌區量水,是實行計劃用水、正確分配、合理使用灌溉水的重要手段,是實行計量收費的重要保證。

According to the analytic frame of macroeconomics , the fiscal resources must be firstly and clearly calculated , which is called meterage analysis 按照宏觀經濟學的分析框架,首先應將本國財政金融資源先核算清楚,即量化分析。

In addition , the sixth chapter discusses simply two kinds of design projects of wireless intelligent supervision and meterage system 此外,第六章簡單探討了無線智能監測系統的兩種設計方案。

Some measures about meterage management in produce of anchor solidifying agent resin 樹脂錨固劑生產中抓好計量管理的幾點做法

A superficial comment on the meterage model of accounting and its realistic choice 淺論會計計量模式及其現實選擇

The frame of this thesis contains two parts : meterage and optimization 文章主體分為量化和優化兩個部分。

Design of meterage supply system for sensitization accelerant 發泡促進劑計量供料系統的設計