
meter n.1.測量儀表,計量器;計,表。2.計量人;計量官。短...

meter maid

The octagonal viewing cubicle holds three persons and can be lowered to a depth of three meters . 八角形的小觀察室能容納三個人,并且可以下降到三米的深度。

Spiraling of the liquid as it reaches the rotor may affect the accuracy of the turbine meters . 當液體接近轉子時發生紊流可以影響渦輪式流量計的精確度。

If a sinusoidal current is sent through a moving coil galvanometer, the meter reads zero . 如果將一正弦電流通入動圈式電流計,那么這電流計的讀數為零。

It may have some moving parts and be used in a technical operation , e.g. a microscope or meter . 可能有某些運轉部件并用于技術操作,如顯微鏡或儀表。

From then on, as electricity was consumed, the meter would either reverse itself or stop entirely . 從那時起,用電時電表不是倒轉就是完全停轉。

Marullo wouldn't get a new valve because the water wasn't metered and who cared . 馬魯洛老不肯換個新的閥門,因為用水是不計度數的,誰去管它呢。

In the lobed impeller the measuring chambers are the space between the lobes and the meter housing . 葉輪式測量室是葉輪和流量葉殼體間的空間。

The customer left his “private“ meter in place for a portion of each billing period . 用戶在每一個收費期的部分時間里換上他的“私人”電表。

Is there any way of determining the speech of the car from the reading on the mileage meter . 有沒有辦法從哩程表的讀數定出汽車的速率。

The pointer of the ampere-hour meter moves from zero to two and goes back to zero again . 安培小時計的指針先從零轉到2,然后又回到零。

Special designs of area meters are available to solve many different flow problems . 解決不同的流量問題有各種專門設計的面積流量計。

There are also instruments known as noise meters which measure this level directly . 還有一些可以直接測出聲強級的儀器,叫做噪聲計。

A meter needle attached to the coil enables the position of the coil to be observed . 固定在線圈上的表針使人們能觀察到線圈的位置。

He realized that it must be the man from the electricity board who had come to read the meter . 他意識到一定是電力局的人來抄電表。

An even more ingenious power thief had penetrated the heart of his electric meter . 一個更加巧妙的偷電賊把他的電表的中心給穿通了。

This meter has two buckets fastened together and mounted over a pivot . 這種流量計有兩個稱杯,它們是連接在一起并裝在中心軸上的。

Gravity meters and their operators were lowered to the water bottom in diving bells . 重力儀及操作員們都在鐘形潛水器內沉到水底。

The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses . 業余天文學家必須參照曝光表而不能光靠感覺。

These have been superseded entirely by the more sensitive unstable meters . 它們現在已經完全被更靈敏的不穩定型儀器所代替。