
meteorologist n.氣象學家。


Zheng said this summer was the last chance for meteorologists to practice under similar weather conditions to those expected during the olympic games 鄭說,今年夏天是奧運前最后一個類似天氣條件下進行的氣象演習。

“ thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are all right ? 成千上萬的氣象學家,氣候學家和科學家不認同你的觀點,難道他們統統錯了,只有你是對的?

“ popular science lecture series by distinguished meteorologists “ to commemorate the 120th anniversary of hong kong observatory 9 october 2003 慶祝香港天文臺成立一百二十周年杰出氣象學者科普講座2003年10月9日

Thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are all right 上千的氣象學家,氣候學家,科學家都不同意的你觀點,難道他們都是錯的,就你是對的么?

With the use of satellite cloud pictures and weather charts , the meteorologists explain the weather to the public in simple terms 他們利用衛星云圖及各種天氣圖,以深入淺出的方法,為市民解釋各種天氣現象。

“ thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are all right ? 數以千計的氣象學者,氣候學家和科學家都不同意你的觀點。是他們都錯了,你都對了?

“ thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are all right ? “成千上萬的氣象學家,氣候學家及科學家不同意你的意見,是他們都錯了而你對了?

“ thousands of meteorologists , climatologists and scientists who disagree with you , are they all wrong and you are right ? 成千上萬不同意他觀點的氣象學家、氣候學家以及科學家,他們全都錯了,而你是對的?

The pilot , the farmer , the road builder , to name but a few , find it necessary to get information on weather from meteorologists 飛行員、農民、筑路工人(僅舉這幾個為例)都從氣象人員那里獲得天氣情報。

The chairman of the international association of broadcasting meteorologists , mr gerald fleming from ireland , also attended the meeting 國際氣象廣播人員協會的代表愛爾蘭專家傅廉明也參加了是次會議。

But still , the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like lemone 但是盡管如此,想到有這么多水漂浮在空中,哪怕像萊蒙這樣的氣象學家也會覺得不可思議的。

This is the first time a hong kong woman meteorologist taking up an important position in an esteemed international organization 這是香港首次有女氣象人員在深受尊崇的國際組織中擔當一個重要席位。

There will be a mock - up of the forecasting office where meteorologists will explain how weather forecasts are made 天氣預報員將會在展覽場的一個模擬天氣預報室現身說法,解釋如何制作天氣預報。

In parts of india , farmers still rely more on astrologers for monsoon predictions than government meteorologists 在印度的有些地區,農民仍然更多的依靠占星家而不是政府的氣象學家來預測季風。

The round - the - clock rain stopped today , and no exception of the possibility of heavy rain subsequently , said meteorologists 連日的大雨于今天停止。氣象專家說,今后不排除再下大雨的可能。

The weather predictions of climatologists / meteorologists for asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie 氣候學家對2050年亞洲氣候的預測讀起來就像一部關于世界末日的電影劇本。

Mei - yu front and low along yangtze river is an important and difficult event for meteorologists of china 長江流域的梅雨鋒及梅雨鋒中的低渦一直是我國氣象工作者關心和研究的重點和難點。

Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this year ' s el nino phenomenon has disappeared 氣候學家提供計算機模型,充足證明說明說明今年的厄爾尼諾現象已經消失啦。

Meteorologists offer computer models [ b ] leaving little doubt that [ / b ] this year ' s el nino phenomenon has disappeared 氣象學家提供計算機模型,充分證明今年的厄爾尼諾現象已經消失了。