
meteorologic adj.氣象的,氣象學(上)的。 a meteorolo...


Based on xi ' an region meteorologic measurement relative humidity and temperature profile data in cloud cover , the log - amplitude scintillation deviation a , calculated in terms of the cn2 model compare with values predicted by means of ortgies model at 10 ~ 30ghz . it is shown that the c , , 2 model can be applied at the continental climate area as xi ' an area . finally , on earth - space paths , by applying a modif 根據西安地區氣象觀測有云覆蓋時溫度和濕度隨高度變化的數據,在10 30ghz ,應用該c _ n ~ 2模型計算了幅度閃爍標準偏差,也與ortgies模型預測值做了比較;表明該c _ n ~ 2模型是可用于象西安這樣的大陸型氣候地區。

When the load of agriculture and illume is forecasted , the load is decomposed into stationary terms that is not related to meteorologic factors and random term that is related to meteorologic factors by use of wavelet analysis . because the forecasting accuracy of stationary term is higher and the amplitude of random term , although it is difficult to forecast , is smaller , so the impact of forecasting error bringing about by random factors on final forecasting result is weakened 在預測不同行業的負荷時,利用小波分析的方法對農業和照明負荷序列進行分解,然后將頻率較低的部分視為與氣象因素無關的穩定項進行處理,將頻率較高的部分視為與氣象因素相關的隨機項進行處理,由于穩定項預測精度高,隨機項雖較難預測但幅值較小,因此削弱了隨機因素帶來的預測誤差對最終結果的影響。

The study area is located in the northern part of the songnen plain in hei longjiang province . the text first introduces the geographic meteorologic , geologic and hydrogeologic conditions to select the suitable model in the calculation part . in the area , the natural recharge is the leakage from the upper aquifer , and the main discharge is the artificial exploitation 本文在對松嫩平原北部的拜泉縣拜泉鎮的自然地理、地質條件及水文地質條件充分分析的基礎上,建立了研究區水文地質概念模型,進而建立了研究區地下水流的數學模型。

To meet the practical requirements for distributed - memory parallel computing of numerical forecasting models , we study on the parallel characteristics of spectral element and finite difference methods . on this basis , we develop fast and parallel computations for three meteorologic models , including 2 - d shallow water equations , the new generation multi - scale weather forecasting model and the ocean general circulation model 本文從氣象預報數值模式分布式存儲并行計算的實際需要出發,著眼于譜元素方法和有限差分的并行計算性能,研究了二維半隱譜元素淺水波模式、中國科學院大氣物理研究所第三代海洋環流模式和中國新一代多尺度預報模式等三個氣象預報模式的高效并行計算,設計實現了相應的應用軟件。

In this paper , aim at the condition that the large - acreage contamination flashover happened many times in electric network in south of hebei province under bad weather , the cause of the five large - acreage contamination flashover is analyzed from such ways as the insulated level of power transformation device , air pollution , meteorologic factor and so forth 本文針對河北南部電網在惡劣氣候侵襲下,曾多次發生大面積污閃故障情況,從河北南網輸變電設備外絕緣水平、大氣污染和氣象因素等方面,分析了河北南網五次大面積污閃的故障起因。

An atmosphere structure constant cn2 model , which varies with height , is presented based on itu - r amplitude scintillation model , existing itu - r optical cn2 model and meteorologic measurement relative humidity and temperature profile data , at 10 ~ 30ghz . the log - amplitude scintillation deviation calculated in terms of the cn2 model based on humidity and temperature vertical profile compare with values predicted by means of itu - r and ortgies model . it is emerged that the calculation results based on the cn2 model agree almost with prediction results by itu - r and ortgies model at 10 ~ 30ghz and there is an advantage that relative humidity and temperature varied with height has be considered in the cn2 model 根據光波段的itu - rc _ n ~ 2模型, itu - r幅度閃爍標準偏差模型,和溫度和相對濕度隨高度變化的氣象數據,在10 30ghz ,分析得到了大氣結構常數c _ n ~ 2隨高度變化的模型;并根據溫度和濕度垂直分布數據計算了對數幅度閃爍_ x ,還與itu - r和ortgies模型的預測結果進行了比較,結果表明,在10 30ghz ,用該c _ n ~ 2模型計算的結果和用itu - r及ortgies模型預測的值符合較好,且在用c _ n ~ 2模型計算時考慮了溫度和相對濕度隨高度變化關系。

Therefore the paper also indicated that the hubex as the eastern asia part of the game is necessary to continue , and increasing the temporal and spatial resolution of meteorologic elements observed is important to improve our forecasting accuracy of the weather and climate 因此,本文也證實了game的外場加密觀測試驗一hubex等開展的必要性,說明增加觀測資料的時空分辨率對于提高我國天氣氣候的準確率具有重要意義。

To improve the precision of using gps remote sensing atmosphere precipitable water vapor , some scholars propose to set up a local model by taking advantage of local meteorologic data in the air , so as to improve the result of using universal model 摘要為進一步提高利用gps遙感大氣綜合水汽含量的精度,部分學者提出了利用當地探空氣象資料建立局部區域模型,以改善采用通用模型計算綜合水汽含量結果的觀點。

In the numerical weather pridiction , large - scale scientific data will be generated . with rapid developments of the internet , spreading meteorologic information on the internet and interactive collaboration with the internet has become popular 隨著internet的飛速發展,在網上發布氣象信息,應用網絡進行交互式合作,基于web的可視化成為氣象可視化應用的一個重要方向。

So , web - based visualization turns out to be an important field of meteorologic visualization . this paper addresses the four reference model of meteorologic visualization system ( mvs ) and has implemented the basic modules of mvs 本文研究了基于web的四種可視化參考模型,在三層客戶服務器計算模式上設計實現了一種可視化web服務器架構,并實現了基本功能。

Test should be proceed under good meteorologic conditions and sea condition , keep the cruise 、 ship speed and main engine revolution of the vessel stable before trial , rudder angle should keep at center position 試驗應在良好的氣象條件和海況下進行,試驗前,應保持航行、航速以及主機轉速的穩定,試驗期間,舵角應保持在正中位置。

The article designs the mesoscale numeric forecasting modek the scheme of objective analysis and four - dimensional data assimilation of global meteorologic data and the bidirectional nested scheme of mm5 model in detail 對中期數值天氣預報模式、全球氣象資料客觀分析和四維同化方案,以及mm5模式的雙向嵌套方案進行了詳細設計。

The development of atmosphere science , especially the numerical meteorologic forecasting model , and the parallel computing are closed linked 大氣科學尤其數值模式的發展進步與并行計算息息相關,這一點已經成為氣象預報和并行計算兩個領域的共識。

Then adjust these data to needful format . and then combine t106 data , sst data and sur , uao meteorologic data to form initial field 寫成模式需要的格式,結合t106資料、 sst資料以及地面、探空常規觀測資料,構成初始場,進行模擬。

Secondly meteorologic datum assimilation history and major ways are introduced . especially four - dimensional variational assimilation is emphasized 接著介紹了氣象資料同化的發展歷史及主要方法,并重點強調了四維變分同化理論。

Turning test shall be conducted under certain meteorologic conditions and sea condition , the main engine rate of revolution should keep steady 5 - 10 min 迥轉試驗應在一定的氣象條件和海況下進行,主機轉速應保持穩定5 - 10分鐘。

In view of the hydrologic and meteorologic characters of the inland alpine region in the north - west china , watershed is dispersed by grids 摘要針對西北內陸高寒山區的水文、氣象特點,以網格為最小單元將流域離散。

Then adjust these data to needful format . and then combine t106 data , sst data and sur , uao meteorologic data to form initial field 結合t106資料、 sst資料以及地面、探空常規觀測資料,構成初始場,進行模擬。

The storm rainfall during the jianghuai meiyu period is one of china ' s representative meteorologic disasters 江淮梅雨暴雨是我國典型的氣象災害之一。