
meteoroid n.流星體,隕星體。adj.-al


According to meteor scientists , there will be two maxima for leonids this year , and hong kong may encounter the first one at dawn on 18 november . about 20 meteors per hour are predicted . however , as the meteoroids stream is less dense than 2001 , the shower is expected to be less spectacular even with the absence of the moon 據專門研究流星的學者預測,今年的獅子座流星雨極大值即高峰期有兩個,香港可于11月18日凌晨遇上第一個,每小時可見約20顆流星,但由于流星物質已遠較2001時稀疏,故即使當日并無月光干擾,相信這次獅子座流星雨亦不會太壯觀。

This at least accounts for the fact that a particular group of meteoroids shares with its parent comet more or less the same orbit , which can remain relatively unchanged over eons . an immediate consequence is that our earth makes periodic rendezvous with this meteoroid swarm , thereby culminating in a regular display of these celestial fireworks . to name a few , we have the lyrids in april and the geminids in december 流星雨的成因是地球遇上了一群密集的流星體,一般相信,流星群是由周期性彗星分解出來的物質或由瓦解了的彗核所形成,所以流星群和其母體彗星有大致相同的軌道,由于流星群的軌道頗為固定,所以地球會周期性地穿越這些流星群,形成固定出現的流星雨,例如四月天琴座流星雨十二月雙子座流星雨等。

Observation of meteors throws light on our understanding of the motion of the celestial bodies in our solar system , physical properties of the earths upper atmosphere and the spatial distribution of meteoroids which helps choosing safe and proper trajectories for launch vehicles such as artificial satellites 觀測研究流星對研究太陽系天體的運動地球高空大氣物理性質了解流星體分布這項資料對選擇航天器如人造衛星的運行軌跡十分重要等都有重要的意義。

In 2003 , peak activity is expected to occur on 18 november . because meteoroids are unevenly distributed along their paths around the sun and gravitational pull from nearby planets may perturb their orbits , the time of peak activity and the number of meteors cannot be predicted exactly 由于流星體是不均勻地分布在環繞太陽的軌跡上,往往受行星引力的影響而令軌道產生變化,因此要準確地預測流星雨高峰值出現的時間及流星數目是很困難的。

Our solar system consists of an average star we call the sun , the planets mercury , venus , earth , mars , jupiter , saturn , uranus , neptune , and pluto and , the satellites of the planets ; numerous comets asteroids , and meteoroids ; and the interplanetary medium 我們太陽系由普通恒星? ?太陽、九大行星(水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星和冥王星)和各大行星的衛星、數量眾多的彗星、小行星、流星以及行星間的介質組成。

When a meteoroid with a speed of tens of kilometers per second hits the earth s atmosphere , the friction with air will heat up the meteoroid . the high temperature will cause the surrounding atmosphere to glow , creating a bright streak of light called a 當流星體以每秒數十公里的速度進入地球大氣層,由于與空氣摩擦而產生高熱,高溫令流星體四周空氣發光,形成一條劃破天際的光跡,我們稱之為

There float in the vast reaches of our solar system swarms of sand bits and dust clods known as meteoroids . when these “ space debris “ tear into the earth s atmosphere , air friction causes them to burn , forming momentary bright streaks that blaze across the sky 太陽系內充滿著稱為流星體的塵埃和固體塊,當這些太空渣滓闖進地球的范圍時,便會和大氣摩擦而燃燒,成為我們日常所見的流星。

And most of them were bright fireballs that shined below magnitude 0 . many people noticed the red head and green trail of the meteor . colour of the meteor is an important clue to understand the composition of the meteoroid 當中為數很多都是0等以下的火流星,而且還帶有顏色,不少人都看到流星紅頭綠尾的有趣現象,這為我們追查流星體物質的成分留下了重要的線索。

A “ meteor shower “ occurs when our home planet encounters a relatively dense region of meteoroids in space . an unusually large number of meteors can then be seen streaming from a certain point in the sky known as the “ radiant “ 許多流星像從星空中某一點稱為輻射點向外散射而出,其實流星群飛向地球時大致是平行的,輻射點是視覺上的透視象。

With the sun locating at the centre , our solar system is consisted of the eight planets and their satellites , dwarf planets , asteroids , comets , meteoroid and interplanetary matter 我們的太陽系,是以太陽為中心,由八大行星及其衛星矮行星小行星彗星流星體和行星際物質所構成的天體系統。

Most of the meteoroids of the leonid meteor stream concentrate in an elongated thin ribbon - like region . the stream orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit with a period of about 33 years 獅子座流星群聚集于一條狹長的區域內,以極為橢圓形的軌道環繞太陽運行,周期約為

Life - bearing meteoroids and dust particles would be exposed to the vacuum of space , extremes in temperature and several different kinds of radiation 帶有生命的流星體與塵粒,還會暴露在宇宙的真空、極端的溫度與數種不同的輻射之下。

Countless meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the earth ' s atmosphere at 71 kilometres a second 無數流星將以每秒71公里的速度劃破長空。

Performance analysis for spacecraft shield structures against meteoroid and space debris 航天器微流星體及空間碎片防護結構性能分析

Meteoroids are small particles in space with size similar to grains of sand .宇宙充塞著沙粒大小的流星體。

Others became asteroids , comets and smaller meteoroids 其他人成為了小行星彗星和更小的隕石。

Moving swiftly through the atmosphere, meteoroids are heated rapidly by friction . 流星體在快速穿過大氣層時,因磨擦而迅速加熱。