
meteorite n.隕星;隕石;隕鐵。


But as for their apparent absence in meteorites , we suspected that previous workers had not looked for all the known types 但是,在隕石里居然找不到它們的蹤跡,我們懷疑是因為過去的研究者沒有找所有已知的形式。

The meteorite , which recently fell to the tropical island in pacific ocean , proved to be the present well of the thinnest radioactive isotope 最近落到在太平洋的熱帶島隕石證明是最薄的放射性的同位素的現在井

In particular , geochemists look for excesses of 26mg in meteorite minerals that contain abundant aluminum but not much magnesium 更具體的說,地球化學家試圖在富含鋁但鎂含量不多的隕石礦物中,尋找過量的鎂26 。

The next key control about mobile , accurate landing above the base , the rate of decline was slower , and not to encounter meteorite 上下左右鍵控制移動,要準確降落的基地上面,下降速度要慢,并且不要碰到隕石。

Massive meteorite strikes continued for hundreds of millions of years , some blasting craters more than 1 , 000 kilometers in diameter 巨大隕石的撞擊持續了幾億年,有些撞擊所產生的隕石坑,直徑超過1000公里。

For example one website has reported that new meteorite craters are found in changsha city , hunan province , wuzhou city , guangxi province , etc 如某網頁上已見湖南長沙、廣西悟州等地新近發現隕石坑的消息。

To test this hypothesis , scientists have searched for unusually high amounts of 26mg , the decay product of 26al , in meteorites 為求證這個假說,科學家在隕石里尋找含量異常高的鎂26 (鋁26衰變的產物) 。

So look around the world , the area crossed by tropic of cancer may possibly find the trails of such serial meteorites spread 那么,放眼世界,整個環球北回歸線穿越地區都可能有該系列隕石群散落的痕跡。

Among the possible causes of these mass extinctions are volcanic eruptions , meteorites colliding with the earth , and a changing climate 物種大規模滅絕的原因可能是火山爆發、隕石撞擊地球、氣候變化。

Since then , scientists in britain have reported similar findings from another rock that traveled as meteorite from mars 從那時起,英國科學家就宣稱從一顆來自火星的隕石上得到了類似的發現。

The player has to do is to control the shuttle craft flexible , as much as possible to fly over the meteorite destroyed 玩家所要做的,是控制飛行器靈活穿梭,盡可能多地將飛過的隕石擊毀。

Meteorites , in contrast , experience significant friction , so their surfaces typically melt during atmospheric passage 相對之下,隕石受到的摩擦非同小可,因此表面常在穿越大氣期間熔化。

First , let us consider whether microorganisms could live through the ejection process from the meteorite ' s parent body 首先,讓我們試想:從隕石母體噴發的過程中,微生物能否生存?

Many meteorites are pieces of rock that formed inside small planets which were shattered by subsequent collisions 許多隕石是由內部形成的小行星經過隨后的撞擊后打散的石頭碎片。

One theory about the existence of extraterrestrial life rests on the presence of carbon compounds in meteorites 地球外存在生命的理論是根據隕星上存在碳化合物這一事實得出的。

The astronomer believes the meteorite was a giant rock and probably the largest known to have struck norway 天文學家認為隕星是一個巨大的石塊,可能在挪威是已知最大的一塊。

So there are many other probable meteorite craters , but need further more investigations and verification 因而,地圖上還有許多疑似隕石坑的地貌構造,還須進一步調查求證。

Perhaps even more troubling was the initial lack of compelling evidence for fullerenes in meteorites 也許更令我們難以解釋的是,一開始我們缺乏隕石上有富勒烯的堅實證據。

The sudbury fullerenes contained helium with compositions similar to some meteorites and cosmic dust 索德柏立富勒烯里的氦氣同位素組成,與某些隕石、彗塵中的一樣。