
metempsychosis n.(pl. -ses ) 【宗教】(靈魂的)輪回,轉生...


Singular , communed the guest with himself , the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them , that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity , that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest 客人聞訖,暗自思量: “彼等具有之神奇的輪回力實無與倫比,不同凡響。產院與解剖室均已變為輕佻話語之操練廳。然而一旦獲得學位,彼等輕浮蕩子搖身一變即成為被杰出人士譽為最高尚技藝之典范實踐者。

A mere beast of the chase flying from hunters , he was still in his metempsychosis no other than the same monseigneur , the preparation of whose chocolate for whose lips had once occupied three strong men besides the cook in question 現在他已成了個逃避著獵人追捕的野獸。可是在他“輪回轉世”之前他卻不是別人,正是那個當初要用四個精壯漢子給他的嘴準備巧克力的大人,剛才提到的那位廚師的服侍還在外。

Years later , the han - woong who had gone through metempsychosis realizes from astrology and dreams that mago was his own mother , and all the sufferings are originated from him . . 多次轉世后,漢雄從天象和夢兆得知mago原來是自己的母親,一切惡運亦因他而起. .

In the cycle of metempsychosis , i attempt to change and desire to select , but nothing effects , so i have to learn how to adapt 在這輪回的流轉中,我企圖改變、渴望選擇,當這一切無濟于事時,我學會適從。

Metempsychosis , he said , frowning . it s greek : from the greek . that means the transmigration of souls “ metempsychosis , ”他皺著眉頭說, “這是個希臘字眼兒,從希臘文來的,意思就是靈魂的轉生。 ”

And , lo , wonder of metempsychosis , it is she , the everlasting bride , harbinger of the daystar , the bride , ever virgin 看哪,輪回之奇跡,伊乃永恒之新娘,晨星之信使,新娘永恒之處女。

Thats metempsychosis , said sonya , who had been good at lessons , and remembered all she had learned “這就是靈魂的轉生, ”索尼婭說道,她一向學習成績優良,什么都記得很牢。

Once we have been kept in the cycle of life and death involuntarily , we are in metempsychosis 只要我們不自主的被囚禁在生死的循環里,就是在輪回之中。

“ metempsychosis “ is a sanskrit word which means “ cycle ” or “ cycle of life ” “輪回”是個梵文名詞,意思是“輪轉”或是“生命的循環” 。

Paddy dignam by metempsychosis . spooks 布嚕布嚕。

Metempsychosis , he said , is what the ancient greeks called it “轉生, ”他說, “是古希臘人的說法。

Bone them young so they metempsychosis 從小就狠狠地訓練,于是他們轉生了。

Better remind her of the word : metempsychosis 不如重新提醒她這個詞兒,輪回。